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View Full Version : tracing an IP address

05-22-2004, 12:42 AM
Can i use an IP address from someone to see if they from the same computer?
ive gotten messages from * people and i think its the same person trying to get over on me

Can you help me?

05-23-2004, 01:08 AM
umm can you use some better english? may help a lot, dont realy understand what you are asking.

05-24-2004, 09:19 AM
msg header

05-26-2004, 04:39 PM
Tough really, but a few things; How do you read your messages? In Outlook or on the web?

Usually computes spit out a unique session ID, like a net ID *2*45*87*6*5@Namehere that’s one avenue to look at in the header info, although I have noticed not all web mails give this info, Outlook does.

If the ip’s are proxy’s chances are it could be the same person, no matter the differences. I mean who sends a friend a proxy email?

Your SOL for proving it if the IP rides on a non X-Fwdfor.

Examine the corner of the page closely, is their a latent fingerprint? ;) Good luck!