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View Full Version : PortableFirefox ****** password

08-23-2005, 06:21 AM
hi ppl,
i need some help and i hope to find someone here who can help me.
i lost my ****** password
is there a way to find it again?
i mean, i know that all my passwords are encryped in two files: key*.db and signons.txt, but i don't know if there's a way to decrypt those files to find 'em again...
i really need help! there were passwords very important (that i don't remember cuz they were number sequences, i feel so stupid...) anyway if someone can tell me something to do to find my ****** password or to decrypt my passwords in those files that i've mentioned before, i'd really appreciate that!
thanks a lot.
bye bye

ps: i hope that you can understand my english... i'm from italy, so i know that my english is not perfect

08-26-2005, 01:43 PM
thanks, but it doesn't work...