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View Full Version : Desperate in co.il

09-18-2001, 06:28 PM
Here's my problem,
I live in Israel, have a cable connection but the cable provider has an almost unnoticeable downstream connection (upstream as well) to outside Israel. As you can imagine this can get really frustrating since I can't download anything from anyone unless I'm downloading from my neighbor.
To solve this hell all I need is an Israeli proxy to bridge between me and the world. As expected, such proxy is nowhere to be found anywhere.
If anyone know where I could search or has any other creative ideas please email me.

09-19-2001, 07:29 AM
You can find on

http://linkworld.to/proxyblind (check under forum) many anonymous proxies list.Probably a couple from many,many proxies are an Israeli proxies.Good luck.