View Full Version : Question (A theory program)

10-01-2005, 10:37 AM
Is there a program out there, that wont be detected by Anti-virus software (Such as AGV Anti-Virus)
and perhaps log and send me (Via email or something along the lines of that)
all of someones keystrokes?
For as far as.. Emails, Instant Messages..ect

Is there any program out there like this?

Thanks, Sparto.

10-01-2005, 10:52 AM
Indeed there is but it is extremly hard to find. I am going to try and create one but i doubt it.

10-01-2005, 12:26 PM
Indeed there is but it is extremly hard to find. I am going to try and create one but i doubt it.
I will be looking to find one, cause it would be so nice to have.
I know a friend that attempted to make me a program like this, but had far too many bugs, and was easily detected by anti-virus programs...

If you find a program like these, please do let me know.
As I will do the same.

10-01-2005, 12:36 PM
Ok it is detected by antiviruses but will only be detected when h has a full system scan. First of all look at my undetectable trojan post. This will let you send files to thier computer without them knowing. So they open a file not detected by anti viruses but then you connect to it through the client and then you brouse your computer for the keylogger you have downloaded and send it to them through the client withought them knowing.

10-01-2005, 12:39 PM
Ok it is detected by antiviruses but will only be detected when h has a full system scan. First of all look at my undetectable trojan post. This will let you send files to thier computer without them knowing. So they open a file not detected by anti viruses but then you connect to it through the client and then you brouse your computer for the keylogger you have downloaded and send it to them through the client withought them knowing.
Something I will definitally have to try! Thank you.

10-01-2005, 12:43 PM
rember you send them the sever.exe and you open the client.