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View Full Version : Peoplepc.com PW help

10-06-2005, 03:37 PM
Is there anyone out there that can either help me, or point me in the right direction...I have a SN for a peoplepc.com account, that I need the PW to. There are some compromising emails that i need a copy of...

Can someone help me possibly get into account...Or maybe help me with a remote keylogger?

Please help//IN NEED!!!

10-06-2005, 04:22 PM
I feel your situation, execpt your trying to get your kids, and im trying to see if my GF is cheating on me...

I've posted here a few times as of now, looking and searching online for a way to get into @msn.com email accounts that she owns.

I have even asked if there was possibly a way to get into her account on a few forums (PHPbb based), and yet no reponds.

My advice for you, give up on this site... You can ask for help all day long, and not see it without it being a scam or a virus of its own.

10-07-2005, 10:56 AM
Since people on this forum has been allways asking me to get them a remote keylogger im im going to put one on my seer within * days.