View Full Version : Telnet Hacking Part 2.

10-12-2005, 11:32 AM
As some people have asked me for another part of Hacking through telnet i am going to add some more.

How many of you have a trojan horse and dont want to get traced? How many of you wish to destroy a computer without getting traced. Telnet is your answer.

Telnet as you may know is used to interchange data.
You may be asking yourself "wheres this leading to".
Enough of the crap we will get down to the real stuff.

Telnet alowes you to connect to a remote computer on a port. As you will allready know port 80 is the http port. So we are going to connect to someone elses port 80. So if you get banned from a forum or banned from anything on the internet or simply want to surf anomamously you can use this. Lets get started.

Open up telnet.

Start Then Run

Then type telnet

A black box should come up like this:

Welcome To Microsoft Telnet Client.
Escape Character Is ctrl+]'

Microsoft Telnet>

We then type in this:

Welcome To Microsoft Telnet Client.
Escape Character Is ctrl+]'

Microsoft Telnet>o ipaddresshere 80

Of corse change the ipaddresshere with a real ip address. If you want to use this for a trojan you would change the port from 80 to whatever port you are connecting to on the remote computer. Once it connects keep the telnet box up while you do whatever you want and you won't be traced!

Hope this has helped


10-14-2005, 04:55 PM
carlo it isn't working for me for some reason.
it keeps giving me this messege:

could not open connect to the host on port 80.

any ideas of what i should do?

10-14-2005, 08:36 PM
or you could get a http proxy and go back to the site, all without hacking! :)

12-19-2005, 10:19 AM
Of corse change the ipaddresshere with a real ip address. If you want to use this for a trojan you would change the port from 80 to whatever port you are connecting to on the remote computer. Once it connects keep the telnet box up while you do whatever you want and you won't be traced!

Whose IP adress do u use?. yours or the person who you are connecting to.
if i try to ***** the person's id on yahoo wat port does it appear on?. o yeah and one more question. what do u do when u r connected to the persons computer? :confused:
