View Full Version : c programming

09-17-2012, 09:26 AM
i wanna learn it.how can i do this fast.

09-17-2012, 05:35 PM
Google for "Learning C The Hard Way" -- probably the quickest possible (but it will still take time to get good).

09-06-2014, 06:55 AM
If you want to create any kind of software, you first have to learn programming in general.

Your first step should be to get a good book that teaches you the fundamentals. A good book to start is:


(I strongly recommend the python version here)

This book is so well because it does not waste time teaching you a specific language or libraries but concentrates you on how to program.

Then you need to learn object oriented programming. A good book that does this is this book about Java:

"Thinking in Java"

and you need to know about low level programming. Here, I recommend this book:

"The C Programming Language"

And then, to become a really good hacker, you will have to read this one:

"Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs"

there is a free online version here:


IMPORTANT: Beside all the reading, you have to constanly read other programs and write your own code. These three things are pretty much equally important to make fast progress: reading books, writing code and understanding other peoples code.

As an somewhat alternative route, Peter Norvig, one of the greatest thinkers of our time, has set up a document a while ago that teaches a good way to become a good programmer:

"How to become a programmer in *0 years"

03-17-2016, 05:37 AM
I am new and i wanna also learing c programming please give me some s***estion about c programming..:)
