View Full Version : Get IP Add from email?

Still Learning
02-09-2013, 09:24 PM
Hi all,
I've been emailing with someone who claims to be from Louisiana. I wanted to check if this is true... I have his email add, how do I get the IP add? I'm using Yahoo mail. Any help with this will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance :)

02-10-2013, 08:52 AM
sometimes you can get the ip address from emails, sometimes not. In yahoo, when reading the email, click on Actions, view full header. The ip address will be there. It may be the emailer ip you see though, it depends on each individual emailer. I believe you cannot get it from yahoo or aol senders.

Still Learning
02-11-2013, 08:00 PM
sometimes you can get the ip address from emails, sometimes not. In yahoo, when reading the email, click on Actions, view full header. The ip address will be there. It may be the emailer ip you see though, it depends on each individual emailer. I believe you cannot get it from yahoo or aol senders.

Great thankyou :)
I got it! Its:*7*.2*7.*5*.*7
Can you tell me where it comes from please?......
Thanks in advance (Its simply because I want to know if this guy is telling me the truth)

02-12-2013, 06:30 AM
Try looking it up here. http://www.geobytes.com/ipLocator.htm
This is one of the more accurate ones I've found

Still Learning
02-12-2013, 08:53 PM
Thank you - I found out what I wanted to know :)
Your help has been much appreciated.