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View Full Version : Help with making a keylogger

10-25-2006, 07:55 PM
Im trying to compile my on keylogger without know having a clue what to do , but basically im trying to make a kinda keylogger u can view through a certin channel/network and being able to use various commands like ".terminate msn.exe" (for an example) , or ".open www.dick.com" and of course being able to see what they're are typing and shit

id prefer help through msn insted of having to post back and forth my msn is

10-25-2006, 08:36 PM
I'm pretty sure the other members are gonna tell you off real good, but you should give some info first.

What language are you planning to use?
What compiler?
What OS do you want it to run on?
By channel/network, what do you mean? Like an IRC channel, or a LAN network?

I can't really help you here, but someone who can probably won't, but if they do they need a lot more info than you gave now.

10-25-2006, 08:59 PM
Im kinda newb at this i dont know any good compilers / languages im just trying to find the easyiest to understand etc , but for the channel / network, i meant and IRC channel , like #grimes on irc.gamesurge.net but im clearly not gunna use gamesurge

10-25-2006, 10:34 PM
You can't write a keylogger without knowing some sort of language. If you want to write a keylogger, learn C++ for about a year, and then it shouldn't be that hard. Just note that the kind of keylogger you are trying to make would be a lot harder. Stick with making a simple keylogger.

10-26-2006, 04:00 AM
Im trying to compile my on keylogger without know having a clue what to do , but basically im trying to make a kinda keylogger u can view through a certin channel/network and being able to use various commands like ".terminate msn.exe" (for an example) , or ".open www.dick.com" and of course being able to see what they're are typing and shit

id prefer help through msn insted of having to post back and forth my msn is

That wouldn't be a keylogger, that would be an IRC bot. Learn the language(s) involved for a time and you'll figure out the function and operation of compilers. And listen to the other comments posted here.