View Full Version : not a question asking for how to hack...

01-31-2007, 09:55 PM
here's my problem

i was banned from a site..the second i pull it up it says "you;re banned".

according to my roommate, he says that a "ban" means anyone trying to access that site from that "internet provider" will get that message. is that true??

they've apparently did an IP address & found out my internet provider?? i guess..dont know how it works...too new to the internet, sorry.

i did an IP on myself & i got *8.66..etc.. then you go to another place & type that in & you get the name of my internet provider (in my case anyway). besides "typing that in on some website", i know there's a way for your own computer to do it. but, i want to know if it's MORE than that--do they know more??--like, do they also know my apartment address & name??

just in case you wondered, i was banned for telling the same joke twice on a non-joke area in a forum. DUMB in my opinion! cant take a joke, ya know!

so, i want info please. how could they "ban" someone? did they ban everything from this interenet provider? or did they just ban THIS computer at this address (which is more specific).

if they DID ban THIS COMPUTER FROM THIS ADDRESS, can they get my personal info like home address & name?!

frankly, i'm concerned. i once knew a person who got in trouble for "harassment" when they werent intending to harass..so, that got me thinking "if the people who banned me considered it to be 'harassing', would they report it to the cops?" will i get the cops at my door for telling a joke twice?! i know this part sounds more like a LEGAL QUESTION probably, but i thought i'd say it anyway. i guess i wonder how far this will go...

please reply..thanx

p.s. i'm not trying to get info on "how to hack requests", just in case, i thought i'd mention it. i'm only trying to figure out what they to me! and what to expect next!!

also, i'm feeling violated by being banned..how could they know my private info??--they MUST know, or else how could they know which computer to ban?!!

02-01-2007, 12:09 AM

according to my roommate, he says that a "ban" means anyone trying to access that site from that "internet provider" will get that message. is that true??

I doubt it, but it depends. The admin of that site probably either only ban an indiviual ip address (i.e. yours), or a small range of ip addresses. The admin could ban a whole ISP, but that would be stupid.

..but, i want to know if it's MORE than that--do they know more??--like, do they also know my apartment address & name??

Nope. The only information they can get the address of your internet service provider. It's impossible for them to get any more information than that. See for yourself..

so, i want info please. how could they "ban" someone? did they ban everything from this interenet provider? or did they just ban THIS computer at this address (which is more specific).

They ban you by adding your ip address to the ban list. They only banned you, or a small range of ip addresses. Not a whole a ISP (unless they're stupid).

if they DID ban THIS COMPUTER FROM THIS ADDRESS, can they get my personal info like home address & name?!

The answer is still no.

will i get the cops at my door for telling a joke twice?!

Of course they won't, you haven't commited a criminal offence.

By the way, what was the joke? :p

02-01-2007, 12:53 AM
the joke was pretty stale, here it is:

(it was a medical information forums) "I'm here, & I just had incontinence (where I peed all over myself). WHY?? Because you're reading THIS joke post right now & I'm laughing so hard that I've peed my pants!! hahahaha.....signed, Mr. Penis (resurrected)."

there, kind of stale, but it was a "medical issue" on a "medical forum".


lol...excuse my sense of humor...lol

anyway, they banned me for it.


my roommate has their computer on the same internet provider...we're hooked up via a router (not wireless)...does this mean they'll be banned too if they tried to type it in? just wondering.

02-01-2007, 01:09 AM
That joke sucked.

my roommate has their computer on the same internet provider...we're hooked up via a router (not wireless)...does this mean they'll be banned too if they tried to type it in? just wondering.

If you share the same internet connection then probably yes. Just try it and find out.

02-01-2007, 01:51 AM
told ya the joke was stale...

i forgot to ask about that issue, can they get my internet service provider name?? reason i ask is they claimed in their "rules on postng" that they'll get your IP and internet provider & then get your internet service shut off...can this be possible??


02-01-2007, 03:06 AM
they claimed in their "rules on postng" that they'll get your IP and internet provider & then they claimed in their "rules on postng" that they'll get your IP and internet provider & then get your internet service shut off...can this be possible??...can this be possible??

Get your IP: Possible
Internet Provider: Possible
"Get your internet service shut off": This is *00% unlikely to happen. Unless they can prove you've broke the terms and conditions of your ISP... and posting a joke in the wrong place isn't against the terms and conditions of ANY ISP. So don't worry.

02-01-2007, 03:48 PM
delete your cookies from that site and try reseting your modem/router and it should give you a new ip (if your isp supports dynamic, most do) then you should be able to create a new account.