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View Full Version : IP used to get name, phone, & address! WATCH OUT!

surprised boy
06-30-2007, 11:04 PM
My username's "surprised boy" for a reason. I just had it verified that my IP I use to surf with was used to get my name, address, and phone number by a loonatic.

So much for people saying ti can't be done, yeah right. This loon got mad when I had posted on his website about *-4 weeks ago on a political topic. He didn't like my political viewpoint and deleted all my posts I had put on a recent thread I had started. Then I had left feedback about how unfair that was. The next day I get a phone call from "IRC research" doing a survey on "how many Jewish people live in my area." I figured that was no "coincidence" since being Jewish was part of the feedback I had left the day before. I figured at that time he coud've called to "see if I was Jewish" asking that phoney "survey" question, "Are you Jewish?" Yeah, a fake attempt to find out. I tried to trace the number but it was one of those untraceable ones, and *6* also failed for this reason. I just received an email, which I've SAVED AS PROOF from IRC themselves saying, "We've done no such research in 2007". Ah ha!! SO that call was a FAKE! I knew it and I have my proof now. I have just contacted the police where I live and they answered with voice mail, so I'll try again later.

I also contacted my ISP under a "phoney guise" to ask if someone could give them someone's IP and would they give out account information, they said no unless it was the police who was asking. This means that my ISP had a person who "sympathized" with this loon website admin and gave it to him, or this loon admin had "connections" elsewhere which caused my ISP to give it out. I think a "sympathizer" at my ISP has to be part of it since the person at my ISP said even if the police asked for it, they wouldn't give out to anyone else--not even this website admin. Someone has obviously violated my ISP's privacy policies, that's clear.

If anyone who ever says this "can't happen", boy are you WRONG. It just happened to ME. Now I wonder WHY this admin wanted it? To commit crimes? Dunno, nothing funny has happened since that fake call of his. Maybe he just did it to intimidate me by indirectly saying, "I've got you, you fool!". Well, it's worked, I'm afraid a bit now. I'm hoping when I can get through to the police something can be done, hopefully it's a computer crime or something. Hopefully I don't find out that it's NOT illegal but only a violation of my ISP's privacy policies, that won't give me much to do about this. I want this loon admin to get legally punished somehow, but I'll have to wait and see what the police say.

Boy, am I one "surprised boy" :eek:

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: And I mean that...

All this because this loon admin disagreed with my political opinion, OMG. How sick is that people.

07-01-2007, 06:45 AM
There are many ways to get someone's home address, but unless you're at a school or library or something, it's unlikely he got it from your IP address. What do you think the chances are of him having an insider in your ISP? Unless it's a huge ISP like AOL, it's naive to think he would have someone conveniently placed in your ISP's offices -- there are hundreds.

Every detail you entered into your forum account -- even that which is private -- can be viewed by the forum admin. Did you enter any personal info there?

Perhaps he googled your email and came across your CV or something. There are thousands of possibilities like this.

07-01-2007, 11:59 AM
This is also your fault for getting an enemy on the internet. You should have just left the message ***rd.

07-01-2007, 12:25 PM
He sounds like an idiot for banning you for simply having different views to him, but it is his forum so it's entirely his decision. No use complaining about that.

If he is harassing you past his own forum (i.e. calling your house, which he is), I'm pretty sure the police would be able to do something.

Try scaring him first with the threat that you have all his details ready to pass on to the police (and cite various laws or non-laws to add effect), then I'm sure he'll quit.

07-01-2007, 05:45 PM
or pick up the phone and say "this call is monitored and recorded due to recent malicous activity on this line"

07-07-2007, 07:34 PM
Hey Guys, I posted on your site to find out how to ***** down someone who was harrassing me and my gf on myspace - but now they sent her some info and used it against me on her bday of all days yesterday. So now she hates me and even her mom yelled at me - I am uppin' the ante' and really need to do some counter intelligence and find out who this miserable person it. I've got an army of lawyers with paper weapons standing by. Please please please help me in finding out a way to do this.. if you can, it will be your lucky day.

PS: I know that myspace *****s emails with a hidden email ID *****er & the profile (even fake ones) have id's placed on them.. and they have to be linked to emails, and when emails are created (even free ones for temp use), they get the IP or the ISP. I'm hoping that my private investigator, the police, my inside people, some counter intelligence, and the help of this site will help me catch this person and put an end to all the harrassment, they ruined my life... really bad.

Please let me know if you can help.


07-07-2007, 07:39 PM
You have an army of lawyers but yet you post on a small rarely used forum?

07-08-2007, 04:10 AM
This loon got mad when I had posted on his website about *-4 weeks ago on a political topic. He didn't like my political viewpoint and deleted all my posts.......This means that my ISP had a person who "sympathized" with this loon website admin and gave it to him......All this because this loon admin disagreed with my political opinion, OMG. How sick is that people.

Not so long ago i would of been sceptical of something like this happening but i used to post on one of AOL's football message ***rds, the banter soon turned more serious because i didnt share a fellow posters oppinions about how good his team were, it became heated and the ***rd administrator intervened, to my surprise the two turned out to be friends, i made the mistake of commenting about this, consequently a few days later i recieved a phone call saying "ok if you want to meet for a fight" i was shocked and had to say "i have no idea what you are talking about" i learnt a very valuable lesson there, its better to walk away...

07-13-2007, 01:24 PM
Not so long ago i would of been sceptical of something like this happening but i used to post on one of AOL's football message ***rds, the banter soon turned more serious because i didnt share a fellow posters oppinions about how good his team were, it became heated and the ***rd administrator intervened, to my surprise the two turned out to be friends, i made the mistake of commenting about this, consequently a few days later i recieved a phone call saying "ok if you want to meet for a fight" i was shocked and had to say "i have no idea what you are talking about" i learnt a very valuable lesson there, its better to walk away...

Hahaha, fighting about sport. Some people's lives just aren't worth living.