View Full Version : Bored Noob.

La La Land
10-30-2007, 04:38 AM
Hi Hi ^_^

I am new to this whole posting thing so bear with me.

I was wondering, back in my days I used AOL for chatting and then I moved onto Yahoo Chat because it was free. Now, I just recently got the internet back and there is nothing but BOTs on Yahoo!:mad:

Any s***estions for a chat service that is free and no BOTs? Thank you.

10-30-2007, 12:19 PM
Hi Hi ^_^

I am new to this whole posting thing so bear with me.

I was wondering, back in my days I used AOL for chatting and then I moved onto Yahoo Chat because it was free. Now, I just recently got the internet back and there is nothing but BOTs on Yahoo!:mad:

Any s***estions for a chat service that is free and no BOTs? Thank you.

Most people use MSN, so that'd probably be the best choice for compatibility with other people.

There are myriad chat services though; MSN, ***, YIM, GTalk, AIM, and even IRC. Personally, I'd prefer to chat through a trusted service -- perhaps Google or a decent IRC network like Slashnet.

The thing is, most people use MSN so I use that more than my Google Talk account. I sometimes use IRC as well.

10-30-2007, 05:18 PM
Hi Hi ^_^

I am new to this whole posting thing so bear with me.

I was wondering, back in my days I used AOL for chatting and then I moved onto Yahoo Chat because it was free. Now, I just recently got the internet back and there is nothing but BOTs on Yahoo!:mad:

Any s***estions for a chat service that is free and no BOTs? Thank you.

Try chatting with your mouth and not your fingers :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

10-30-2007, 07:44 PM
Hi Hi ^_^

I am new to this whole posting thing so bear with me.

I was wondering, back in my days I used AOL for chatting and then I moved onto Yahoo Chat because it was free. Now, I just recently got the internet back and there is nothing but BOTs on Yahoo!:mad:

Any s***estions for a chat service that is free and no BOTs? Thank you.

AOL and Yahoo! are full of botting idiots advertising risque stuff. MSN is full of random noobs trying to boot you off MSN or freeze your account. I enjoy IRC, but if you don't, then go with mike's idea of MSN.

11-01-2007, 04:58 AM
If two booters meet each other on MSN, it's a stalemate that lasts for eternity. It can, however, be ended if someone decides to cease their skiddy tool and lose e-cred.

Yeah, I prefer IRC. Most people don't even know it exists though.

11-01-2007, 05:57 AM
Most people on IRC channels just use it for idiling, which kinda confuses me. Why would you sit in a chat room not saying anything? For the lulz? It's stupid really when people just idle there.

11-01-2007, 01:59 PM
Most people on IRC channels just use it for idiling, which kinda confuses me. Why would you sit in a chat room not saying anything? For the lulz? It's stupid really when people just idle there.

Unfortunately, I'm usually one of those people.

The reason is that I don't get any flashing window or beep when another message is sent to the channel, so I just check occasionally. I might sometimes leave my client connected for the whole day, but forget to check.

Other times though, I just don't want to talk to the people in a specific channel, so I wait for someone decent to arrive.

11-06-2007, 05:07 AM
Try chatting with your mouth and not your fingers :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Every post i see you make these days is more pointless then the last :P

11-06-2007, 05:31 PM
Why did you have to come back:confused: :confused: :confused:

11-06-2007, 06:37 PM
I sense another pointless e-argument.

Guys, either take it over to General Discussion or expect a thread-locking and possible infraction(s). This just isn't the place; no matter who started it.

This isn't about censorship by the way -- people can say whatever they want in the right sections.

11-07-2007, 07:59 AM
I came back to piss you off why else?

Hes spaming mike he does alot of it. And well so am i but im only pointing him out.

I dont think people can say anything only if it contributes to the topic.

11-07-2007, 01:25 PM
I dont think people can say anything only if it contributes to the topic.

Yup, as long as it's in the right section and preferably related to the topic, it's fine.

Threads tend to get hijacked -- this is okay as long as the hijacking doesn't lead to dumb flame-wars or spam.