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View Full Version : I get Frequent Viruses?

12-02-2002, 07:42 PM
I was wandering if there is some list that an e-mail address could be out on to get frequent viruses. In the last month I have all of a sudden starting getting viruses almost daily!!! All but like one are the same W*2KlezH@mm. They come from different people but most are from AOL users or Attbi Users. Have gotten like 2 from hotmail accounts and Schools. I have Nortons and ZOne Alarm so they get stopped but ITs very annoying!! Any thoughts or s***estions, I still have the e-mail's if they can be traced at all?
thanks very much

12-03-2002, 11:59 PM

12-05-2002, 02:00 AM

tHERE is no point in tracing,they are all simply carriers of a virus that they are (usually) not knowingly responsible for.

Regards Data.

12-08-2002, 12:54 PM
After I get the virus, I send e-mail back but it hardly ever goes threw. I'm guessing they are using some kind of fake e-mail. So I guess reporting their e-mail to the ISP does no good? ANy s***estions or should I get new e-mail account???

12-10-2002, 08:59 AM

to untrusted users give an alias,you can get one from


Try changing to a new mail,ur virus alert may not always pick all viruses.You do run a small risk.
If you have nothing to loose by changing email id,go ahead and do it.

Regards Data.