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View Full Version : Portable Computer-Kit?

03-18-2008, 10:51 PM
Well, I was surfing the internet, and was wondering if it was possible to run an entire operating system on a USB flash drive. I do know that there are such things as Linux Live CDs, and similar things, but the maximum space for those are about *00 MB, if you don't want to slow down your computer. So, anyways, I was researching portable Windows environments on the internet, as previously stated, and I found this USB drive that had almost unconditional Windows emulation. It has a supposed portable duplicate of registry and windows system files, and the ability to have any software, regardless which one it is, to be installed onto it.

Alright, my question is this:
Do you know of any such programs that are like the one mentioned above that take little disk space?

Oh, and if anyone asks this, I do know about PortableApps! If you don't, it's a portable software that can have special modified softwares or portable softwares installed on it. It can't usually have a regular program directly installed on it. It can be found at www.portableapps.com