View Full Version : What Are Keyloggers?

05-21-2008, 05:52 PM
I am really new to all this stuff (not computers just all this stuff) and i would really appreciate it if someone could explain to me what keyloggers are and how to use them really please. Thankyou for you time.

-A computer noob trying to learn.

05-21-2008, 07:37 PM

Keystroke logging (often called keylogging) is a method of capturing and recording user keystrokes. Keylogging can be useful to determine sources of errors in computer systems, to study how users interact with systems, and is sometimes used to measure employee productivity on certain clerical tasks. Such systems are also highly useful for law enforcement and espionage—for instance, providing a means to obtain passwords or encryption keys and thus bypassing other security measures. Keyloggers are widely available on the Internet.

Go to the link; It should inform you of almost of everything you need to know.