View Full Version : ghost(secretly) copy entire contents of usb(flash) drive? possible????

02-03-2009, 09:06 AM
Everyday our teacher comes into our lecture hall and connects his/her flash drive to a desktop computer (windows xp) that has been set up with a projector.

I can gain admin access temporarily to the computer each day (for 2-* minutes) after the teacher leaves.

I know the teacher has future class quizes and all on the flash drive, is there a way that i can set up a program/script/whatever so that anytime they insert their flash drive, it copies the entire contents of the drive (invisibly) and stores it in a hidden location, so that i can later plug in my flash drive and just copy that folder.


02-03-2009, 10:12 AM
Yes is very possible. Unfortunetly someone already is done it to me... and I do know how to do it but on linux... I think you should study for your quiz... I respect you for learning how to crack your teachers pc... that means your intelligent, but try using your intelligence for something productive... actually I meant to say honest... plus I have enough problems, the computer I'm using right now its on a proxy, witch means someone is reading everything I type... but if you really want to find out how to copy hard drives learn it on linux, at least I will respect you, anybody can figure out how to do that on windows, just google it...if you learn on linux at least I will respect you, and you will have less chances of your teacher finding out...

02-03-2009, 05:14 PM
2 links for you

This second one is not exactly what you want, but interesting

02-05-2009, 08:37 AM
thanks for the links
im gonna try out http://wiki.hak5.org/wiki/USB_Hacksaw
when i get home tonight, ill let you know the results