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View Full Version : A query related to file-joiner

03-16-2009, 02:59 PM
I was planning to buy Spytector and their File Joiner. It is for personal use. No mass spamming.

I will use a movie file (or may be an image file) to join with the keylogger. As per the instructions in File-Joiner website, when one clicks on the combined file then the image displays as it should and behind the scene the keylogger starts too. I wanted to know IF there is an option to store this keylogger file on some particular location in that remote computer so that even if the joined file is deleted the keylogger continues to perform its purpose.

I mean I want some way so that even if the joined file is deleted from the remote computer after checking it once...the keylogger stays in some particular folder in that computer and keep emailing me the key strokes.

I hope I clearly explained what I wanted to ask.

Please do reply


03-16-2009, 05:15 PM
The keylogger will stay installed after the joined files are executed, even if they are then deleted. The keylogger file you binded with the video is an installation file. It has done its job and can be deleted.