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View Full Version : CLOSING PORTS

06-27-2001, 02:09 PM
suppose a trojan is in my computer and it communicateds through a port x
where 0<x<64k.
how do i get to close this port permenantly.
ws_ftp ip addy opens ftp port to communicate with that ip addy but how do i get to close any port x pls.

06-27-2001, 06:12 PM
I realy don't know how 2 close A port
permently sorry .
but say u maneged 2 close port X
why would'nt it open port Y
and i think what u need is 2 get a sniffer and determen whether u have a
trojan and then get rid of it and if u can't do that get a realy mean fire wall
like zonealam wich only slows down your pc ohh and it filters outgoing and incomeing data...
