View Full Version : getting passwords for a forum account

01-23-2010, 02:49 AM
Im curious as to some ways i can find out passwords to forum accounts which i have usernames for already( no its not this forum its for an MMORP i play ) im curious how to do this without going down the keylogging road because that seems a little more complicated to me and all the good keyloggers you have 2 pay for. something simple like a password cracker would be ideal, something that simply trys every possible password on a forum website to log in with the correct user name i have. other ways i have thought of is i know the website stores all its users passwords somewhere but hacking into that database seems like it would be much harder as it is probably protected pretty well.

anyways if any* knows how to crack a forum account password simply that would be greatly appreciated, a little more complicated ways are helpful as well but again just prefer simple cost effective ones :D

01-23-2010, 07:14 AM
Well known programs are hydra and john the ripper. Google 'em.