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Thread: Reality of Email hacking software

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Lightbulb Reality of Email hacking software

    I receive tons of daily emails asking for such email hacking software. Many newbies are hacked in name of downloading hacking softwares which doesnt exist in reality. So, I am writing this article to inform you reality of such email hacking software or can say password hacking software to prevent any newbie from being hacked.
    Email Password hacking software

    Reality of Email hacking Software:

    I just did a quick search on Google with keyword "Email hacking software" and found some sites claiming that they have email hacking software which can crack and hack email passwords. They claim that their software can hack password only by entering email id. Meaning by, you only have to enter victim email address and the software will hack email database and get the victim password. I just thought of getting more information about such Email hacking software and found that such sites demand you ***** for hacking email passwords.

    Thus, these are scam sites which are developed with only one intention of robbing ***** from visitors. But, guys, remember this is all crap. There's no reality in this email hacking software.

    Imperium Webmail hack:

    This is one example of fake Email hacking software. Few days back, Arun asked me to post a link to download Imperium webmail hack. I was knowing about this fake software and so mentioning this information in this article. You will find many videos on Youtube about imperium webmail hacker as email hacking software which is able to hack passwords from MSN, Gmail, Yahoo and Facebook account passwords simply by entering the victim ids. This is really the hardest things ever. The software has messages like "Please wait to extract password from database". The funniest thing ever !!!

    Also, such email hacking softwares are binded with keyloggers and RATs which are intended to hack your own email password. So, beware while using these so called "Email hacking softwares".

    As an example of how fake Email hacking softwares can be binded with keylogger, refer my article Wow Hacker, where I have posted Fake Wow hacker software (which claims to victim same as other email hacking softwares) but, in reality we are using it to install our keylogger server on victim computer.

    Can We Really Hack Email Password???

    Yes, of course, we can hack email passwords. But, not by simply entering the email address and waiting for the software to crack passwords. Instead, you have to fool victim to give his own password without his knowledge. The main two methods used to hack Email passwords are:

    *. Phishing (Refer my article How to hack Email passwords by Phishing for more information)

    2. Keylogging (Refer my article Keylogger to hack Email Password for more information)

    When using Phishers, you have to fool victim so that he will login with our fake login page. And while using Keyloggers, you have to fool victim such that he will install our keylogger server on his computer.

    So friends, this was all about Email hacking softwares or more popularly said "Password hacking software". I guess you are now well acknowledged with reality of such fake Email hacking softwares. If you have problem in this article on Email hacking software, please mention it in comments.

    Enjoy Email Hacking software...

    Source: [URL="*0/04/email-hacking-software-password-hacking.html"]Email Hacking software[/URL]
    [URL="*0/**/4-ways-on-how-to-hack-myspace.html"]How to hack a Myspace Account[/URL]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    meet me at yahoo messenger

    are you real hacker, can we meet me at yahoo messenger so we can talk more better
    here is my id [email]davewestbroolk@**********[/email]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    RE: Reality of Email hacking software


    Thanks For Provide such great and helpful information about email hacking

    Eddie wilson

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