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Thread: Which Programming language is best for dynamic web site development?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Php is best for dynamic web site development

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    which is the best programming language for dynamic web pages ?

    hi all, everyone knows that you can use many languages for creating dynamic webpages but i would recommend you to use javascript if you want to create a webpage dynamic, but google likes those websites / webpages that are using less javascript !

    Good Luck !

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Which Programming language is best for dynamic web site development?

    hi there,
    the ideal situation or you can say the ideal example is facebook, facebook had introduce news feed feature, if you are on the home page then your page will go down because new updates are coming, and facebook itself overall is built in php, so my final answer is use javascript and php for creating dynamic webpages.

    Last edited by mynamebilal; 03-18-2016 at 01:31 AM.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    The Cut And Paste Kid strikes again...

    Quote Originally Posted by kaufen View Post
    PHP is a recursive acronym for PHP Hypertext Processor. Unlike the other offerings listed, PHP is designed specifically for server-side programming, which means that its library is specialized for the tasks you'll be doing over and over again in the course of programming your website. PHP also has the advantage of being able to interweave code with HTML, thus allowing you to mix layout with programming. While this may simplify coding for small sites, it does carry the potential to be abused, resulting in difficult to manage or maintain code for larger projects. Proper use of a templating system such as Smarty should do wonders towards preventing that. PHP is available for most operating systems including Unix and Windows, and is an excellent server-side programming language for professional programming.
    Another of your many posts that have been copy and pasted word from word from an article or a post someone else made on another site, or more recently, had previously made here in this forum.

    This post appears word for word on the PHP section on the wikibooks.org Web Dev page:


    Gordo, the forum mod, already pointed out one of your posts in this thread was plagiarized from another source, yet you continue to copy and paste articles someone else made as your own in the very same thread.

  5. #35
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    May 2015
    JavaScript is one of the most popular and dynamic programming languages used for creating and developing websites. This language is capable of achieving several things including controlling the browser, editing content on a document that has been displayed, allowing client-side scripts to communicate with users and also asynchronous communication. It was developed by Netscape and borrows a lot of its syntax from C language. JavaScript is used very widely and effectively in creating desktop applications as well as for developing games.

  6. #36
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    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by kaufen View Post
    JavaScript is one of the most popular and dynamic programming languages used for creating and developing websites. This language is capable of achieving several things including controlling the browser, editing content on a document that has been displayed, allowing client-side scripts to communicate with users and also asynchronous communication. It was developed by Netscape and borrows a lot of its syntax from C language. JavaScript is used very widely and effectively in creating desktop applications as well as for developing games.

  7. #37
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    May 2015
    The language must be chosen on the basis of the problem domain that you have. One of the better ways to do so is by searching that language others in the same domain or industry are using or by trying to look for a code that resolves the issues that you may have.

  8. #38
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    Oct 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by kaufen View Post
    The language must be chosen on the basis of the problem domain that you have. One of the better ways to do so is by searching that language others in the same domain or industry are using or by trying to look for a code that resolves the issues that you may have.

    From the same page you copy and pasted your last post from.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2015
    PHP is used to signify the PHP Hypertext Processor language and it is an interpreted script language. It is best suited for server-side programming that includes repetitive server-tasks performed during the development of your website. It is an open-source language and it is compatible with both Windows and Unix-based operating systems.

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