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Thread: Why do I have to use proxy?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2001

    My PC is on the LAN and is assigned a static IP address, which is not from the range reserved for private networks.
    I am told that I MUST use proxy server. When I tried to surf without proxy, I could not access any site. Can anybody tell me why is it so?

    Thank you,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2001



    ur pc is on a lan.may be u r using private ip addresses on ur lan?
    }My PC is on the LAN and is assigned a static IP address, which is not from the range reserved for private networks.{
    do u mean that ur assigned a class c address assigned by IANA.

    well i dont quite get u but this is how a computer on a lan behing a proxy using private ip addresses work.
    each computer will be assigned a unique number(if u decide to change it u can change it as long as there is no ip address collison with another computer on ur lan).
    ur isp will assign u a block of ip addresses approved by the IANA.
    when data flows on to ur lan-it checks for the private ip address assigned by ur computer and u get to communicate.

    one more thing check ur proxy settings on ur IE or netscape.try disabling it
    f u r using inter net explorer go to inter net options in tools and click on connection.
    try changing the settings there.

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