It really depends on your goals. A smart thing for a developer to do is to chose the right tool for the task. Here is a list on which programming language is more popular in a particular area and why:

Assembly language - Languages that fall under this category are very specific in their nature. First, they are specific to a CPU architecture (x86 has one, ARM has one, etc.). Their goal is to give programmers as much control over hardware as possible. Although it might be invisible to the programmer, all compilers for other languages do is translate the code you write into assembly language. Unfortunately, they don't do a very good job. Handwritten assembly code is usually much better. However, it is also much easier to write bugs and much harder to understand and use properly. That's why assembly should only be used in one of the following circumstance: performance is critical, the code must be compact in order to use up only a small amount of memory, or the thing you are trying to achieve is impossible in any other language because it uses CPU architecture-specific stuff.
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