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Thread: URL Masking.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    URL Masking.

    So I'm using SYntax******s IP snaggin tool lol. just creepin some people out with useless info of course but it's a tad bit hard to do with the URL for your account as the snag link. anyone know how to mask a URL or a site that does it other than tinyurl. somewhere that i can make a custom link name would be great thanks!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    if you want something to trick the person you can use notlong.com
    This will let you create a custom url: Example: yousitehere.notlong.com
    Now if you make it long enough the person won't look at the end of it.
    Good luck.
    Or.... if you are able to send the email with html tags you can use a simple masking by using this
    <a href="http://yoursitehere.com"> http://sitehewillsee.com</a>
    or <a href="http://yoursitehere.com"> Click here </a>

    Just my 2 cents as always
    jabber: gh05t*d@jabb*r.org Email: gh05t*d@hack.cl

    Internet security is as real as your Dreams !

  3. #3
    svr2112 Guest
    Depending upon where (or who) you purchase your domain name from a lot of these registrars allow URL re-direction, you simply put in (your domain name).com and point it to your GooglePages website

    As for the DNS code, the only thing that I can think of is he is looking for the IP address of your google pages site or perhaps their (googles) DNS servers. My guess is that he is going to setup the re-direction so if you give him your domain name and the full URL to your Google Pages that is all he would really need to know.


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