Hello new member here ,
i have used a few ip hiders etc steganos which was good but my pc slowed down to almost stopping , another that did not work ( is there any good ones out there that work and ( dont) slow your pc down alot?
Hello new member here ,
i have used a few ip hiders etc steganos which was good but my pc slowed down to almost stopping , another that did not work ( is there any good ones out there that work and ( dont) slow your pc down alot?
Yeah ...
All 4 proxy !
Good Luck !
Last edited by lip*ID; 10-15-2004 at 07:59 PM.
Change yourself of we will !...::*lip-team*::... God Save Russia !
if u want hide ip, use list of proxy from steganos.
not use v7!)))
You can always use a web-based proxy server such as the one on [url]www.guardster.com[/url] site. Just do a google search for "free web-based proxy server."
A4Proxy is allright too, but you have to download it.
Complete Anonymous Web Surfing
with out a doubt the best there is.
You can hide your ip address by using webproxyservers or Hideipsoftware. Check your IP details before and after hiding it using ipconfig command on DOS prompt or check it using the site www.ip-details.com/ip-search/.