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Thread: getting someones IP address

  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest

    getting someones IP address

    hi to all,

    I was just wondering if anyone could tell me how people manage to get your IP address while in a chat room as i have no idea how it's done.

    thanx steve

    P.S great site


    Seeing as how this particular thread gets a lot of attention from Google's searcher, I thought I'd advertise a little something here. Mods, feel free to advertise in this post as well.

    [URL="http://*****************/watch?v=gBpEovy_7zc"]Fight Disney[/URL]
    Two links given for more emphasis.
    Last edited by Moonbat; 11-02-2007 at 06:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest

    possible answer

    The only way that I can think of for someoen doing that would be to have an IP sniffer. It works like a password sniffer but for IP's. In case you dont know what that is, a password sniffer allows someone to view passwords on someones computer when a connection is made between 2 computers.

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest


    thanx for the reply man

  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest
    whatz crackin

    there are many ways to ***** ones ip addy there is software to do it there is also scanners\sniffers but i use the command prompt to get them myself it is not hard to figure out if u have a hour and the will to learn u could do it as well truely it should not amaze you when someone has your ip addy because most dont have any idea what to do with it once they have it have a nice day and keep your ports pulled shut

    « &#*40;**;*;t&#**0*;Ö$T&#***;þ*2;èLéš »

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    what kind of commands would you use in prompt to find what your looking for

  6. #6
    Unregistered Guest
    Generally speaking, its hard to get someones IP address from a chatroom. You can 'whois' a user in IRC chat but the host name or IP address you will get is that of their ISP.

    To get someones IP you need to have a direct connection from your computer to theirs. When you have a connection established (example: sending a song or image file to someone else) open your MS-DOS window and type netstat -a or netstat -n
    This will list all current connections, their host names and IP addresses. Happy hunting.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004



    thats a really helpful command r there n e other commands that r useful to use in prompt?


  8. #8
    Rhi Guest
    Just wondering if this would be possible in a forum discussion? We have one for our university and I am getting some abuse - most of which the Moderators are taking off, I just wanted to know if it was who I think it is.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    Re: getting someones IP address

    Originally posted by Unregistered
    how people manage to get your IP address while in a chat room
    If the
    /whois nick_name

    command is supported,it will reveal your ip address on a chat room.


  10. #10
    Unregistered Guest
    WEll There Are many Ways.
    *.Using DOs: Type Netstat -n or netstat -an
    You Wil Get All Foriegn IP Which
    connecting to ur Pc (Note: If You Want Sm's Ip From msn You have to send him File or Open Cam With Him To Be Cleared IT's will Be Close _Time) Enjoy..!
    2.Using Scanners : You Can Use Too Many Scanners To Ping on Foriegn IP You Can Search in Google For It
    ..There is too many but That's Enough
    Posted By :AhmedLeopard::.HackerZ KillerZ Team::.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    OKay then hOw can i get an IP ADDRESS of a PErsOn
    IS there anyway to get the IP ????

    im facin' some problems with some " SICK" PEOPLE

    like now for example if u wanna find the ip address of this
    email id : [email]bint_al*in*[/email]

    what can be done to get the ip add ????


  12. #12
    Unregistered Guest
    Originally posted by Unregistered
    Generally speaking, its hard to get someones IP address from a chatroom. You can 'whois' a user in IRC chat but the host name or IP address you will get is that of their ISP.

    To get someones IP you need to have a direct connection from your computer to theirs. When you have a connection established (example: sending a song or image file to someone else) open your MS-DOS window and type netstat -a or netstat -n
    This will list all current connections, their host names and IP addresses. Happy hunting.

    ok you said that by doin so you will get there IP address i did it and got the address but how do you know witch one it is and were is the host name and what it it plz and thx for your help

  13. #13
    Unregistered Guest

    you have to figure out one thing: the mailbox is like a folder on a server, or like a partition. anybody can run an email server (search for email servers with a search engine; they're software, programs which run on a computer with a public IP address - gennerally). so, just ping, and you might just find out the IP of [email][/email], which most probably is the same or very simillar to the one of [email][/email]. and another thing, i assume you realize that a mailbox is accessible from anywhere, as long as you know the correct username and password. so, if you want to find the IP that is accessing that mailbox, well, that's another story. hm, you might consider cracking the server and stealing the logs, but probably wouldn't do you any good, as you might find a lot of IP's that have accessed the mailbox. so, my advice: mark that email address as spam

  14. #14
    Unregistered Guest
    Originally posted by Unregistered
    ok you said that by doin so you will get there IP address i did it and got the address but how do you know witch one it is and were is the host name and what it it plz and thx for your help
    u just have too guess

  15. #15
    Unregistered Guest
    Originally posted by Unregistered
    u just have too guess
    not really. for example yahoo messenger listes on port 80. so, if you send someone a file, you'll see a connection to the remote ip on port http, or 80 if given -n option to netstat. ok, but you could have a browser running, so there will be a lot of connections on remote port http. which one is the one you are looking for? well, you could close all the browser's windows, or investigate all the ip's that you see with netstat. or, you could receive the file, so then you will be the one with port http (80) connected. as long as you don't have a proxy server, web server, or other server other than the instant messenger's (yahoo) file thansfer server, you are sure that the remote ip connecting to your http port is the one you are looking for.

    C:\>netstat -n

    Active Connections

    Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
    TCP **2.*68.*.2:2*45 2*6.*55.***.*67:5050 ESTABLISHED
    TCP **2.*68.*.2:2*70 2*6.2**.*7.**:80 ESTABLISHED
    TCP **2.*68.*.2:80 *2*.*2*.*2*.*2*:666 ESTABLISHED

    *. me connected to yahoo server (remote port 5050)
    2. me connected to (remote port 80) <= browser
    *. me receiving a file through yahoo messenger's file transfer protocol from remote ip *2*.**2.*2*.*2*, remote port 666 on (this is the catch!) local port 80.
    so, guess the ip i'm looking for

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