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Thread: I forgot my password and i have a windows xp how do i get in?

  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest

    Unhappy I forgot my password and i have a windows xp how do i get in?

    plz help me.

    I forgot my password and i have a windows xp how do i get in?

  2. #2
    v8soul Guest
    Ok, now that I've got both the IP address and the host name which are as follows...:

    catv-5062*a* can I get information about the subscriber? As far as I know if I get in touch with administrators of Chello/Broadban they not going to provide me this info. So what would you guys advice?

    Thank, v8

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: I forgot my password and i have a windows xp how do i get in?

    Originally posted by Unregistered
    plz help me.

    I forgot my password and i have a windows xp how do i get in?
    if you have windows XP on your computer then you must have a recovery wizard i dont know how to do that but in my computer i turn it of and when it starts i press all the f keys and it starts may be you con try that.

  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest

    Re: I forgot my password and i have a windows xp how do i get in?

    Originally posted by Unregistered
    plz help me.

    I forgot my password and i have a windows xp how do i get in?
    well, if you need a clue, i've got two halfs . remember, this might not be a sollution!!
    i've tested this with win2k pro:
    boot from a win*5/*8/me bootable floppy disk or cd, then cd to
    (assuming that your %systemdrive% is c, and the %systemroot% is windows) where you will find a file called SAM. i know for sure that *. if you delete or rename that file in win2k, at the first reboot, the system makes a new one, so practically you can login with user:"administrator" password:"" (blank).
    => if this fails, you will need to reinstall windows or another operating system.

    2. try to replace SAM with the SAM from another winxp system, for which you know the administrator's password.
    => if this fails, you will need to reinstall windows or another operating system.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    if you press f6 or f8 i m not sure but one of it works, so it will ask you to start the windows in which mode you say you want to do it with safe mode or some thing with safe mode.

  6. #6
    frenchie Guest
    boot to dos

    remove or rename the file named sam in ??(yourletter):\windows\system*2\config
    so the door is now open and windows make a new sam file

    i have tested it work very well

    other way download the ultimate bootcd or hiren's bootcd



  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest
    Think carefully.

    Only when the user lose his password to login, then how can he have access to his C:/windows/system*2/SAM

    In some machines, renaming or deleting SAM can't be done.
    The errors popped up like "IT IS BEING USED BY ANOTEHR PERSON OR PROGRAM"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Originally posted by Unregistered
    Think carefully.

    Only when the user lose his password to login, then how can he have access to his C:/windows/system*2/SAM

    In some machines, renaming or deleting SAM can't be done.
    The errors popped up like "IT IS BEING USED BY ANOTEHR PERSON OR PROGRAM"
    SAM stands for "security accounts manager". if you try to read, change, delete, copy, rename or do anything to that file from %systemroot%\system*2\config\ while logged onto that NT platform windows OS, then you'll get the "IT IS BEING USED BY ANOTEHR PERSON OR PROGRAM" error, whichever machine with NT technology based windows OS that might be. not just on some machines. that's because it is being used by security accounts manager service, which is started by default at startup. so, it is obviuos that you cannot change it or replace it from that windows installation. therefore, one does not need the password to login. furthermore, to change the file one MUST NOT login. though, going to %systemroot%\repair\ you find a copy of that SAM file, which is a backup for the inaccesible one created each time your system reboots. as administrator you have full control over this one. that, i hope, makes it clearer for you.
    you will find a working sollution for the lost password problem here:

  9. #9
    Unregistered Guest

    Re: I forgot my password and i have a windows xp how do i get in?

    Originally posted by Unregistered
    plz help me.

    I forgot my password and i have a windows xp how do i get in?
    If you still can't get in, simply change the user password. Start up in safe mode with the command prompt. Type net user user_name new_password. It will then say command completed successfully. Good luck!


  10. #10
    Unregistered Guest


    or you could just press f8 while starting windows (xp) and start in regular safe mode, go to control panel, account settings, and change the password there

  11. #11
    Unregistered Guest
    in order to change the password u need to know the password....and that is the problem...the password is unknown

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Log in under Administrator account. Usually there is no password for that account. Once there you can change the password on the account you are having trouble with.

  13. #13
    Unregistered Guest

    Wink Re: I forgot my password and i have a windows xp how do i get in?

    Originally posted by Unregistered
    plz help me.

    I forgot my password and i have a windows xp how do i get in?
    i recomand u a program .. ERD Commander 200* .. trust me it works :L)

  14. #14
    Unregistered Guest

    Post Can you computer people give me some computer tips???

    I think that it would be a good idea to post a question asking for tips. And if you know any tips, please tell them. I mean computer tips. That will help many people. Thanks..

  15. #15
    Unregistered Guest

    xp account password recovery

    if u forgot ur password for a account like the administrator go to [url][/url] and follow instructions and u will have the passwords

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