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Thread: Websense

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    THNX GUYS [url][/url] worx
    but mi school has a "quota" so we can only download *mb per day
    do u no how to get past this.
    just simply useing a circumventor usually fixes this problem if you are not required to use a login.

    I am gonna try and make this as idiot proof as i can. (honestly)

    if your using xp, or have to login to use your internet at your school, this likely will not work, but i give an effort to help out soo, here

    go to your START MENU, and then either PROGRAMS or ALL PROGRAMS (according to what OS your using)

    if PROGRAMS, then their should be listed something along the lines of COMMAND or DOS or COMMAND PROMPT (sorry, not a big fan on *x or me or 2000, hated them when i had them) skip to 4.


    now that you should be looking at a command prompt, you should try this. type this in *exactly

    ipconfig /release (press enter after this)

    after this has completed, do this.

    ipconfig /renew (press enter after this)

    what this dose is give you a new ip hopefully, some admins set up the dns so that a certain mac address is assigned a certain ip indefinately, if you do get a new ip, then your *mb limit should be removed, provideing they arn't keeping tabs on you by makeing you use a login.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    sorry, forgot something.

    if the above dose work, then you would have to do this for every *mb.

    if your downloading massive files, i reccomend downloading them in small pieces. you can usually find some place where they pre-cut and compress files, so you can get piece by piece if it is that massive.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    ultrareach more details

    there is and but if those are blocked check out there you can download the proxy sofware. [url][/url] You will just download, then click on the icon and use the internet page that comes up. If ultrareach is blocked, then download the software at home and bring it to school on cd or usb. Once you have software on computer it doesn't mater if ultrareach is blocked.
    Last edited by lemoniolemonio; 04-06-2006 at 05:08 PM.

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