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Thread: Securing my home network/online activity

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Question Securing my home network/online activity

    Working on securing my home network, messenger programs, email accounts, internet usage etc.

    Looking for advice on good programs/hardware and on how to setup.

    I want to setup a wireless network of 2 desktop IBMS, a desktop Mac, and a notebook (IBM). If I setup the router and direct cable connection (cox) through the macintosh then I avoid the internet security issues associated with IE and XP, what else can I do for this computer to agressively prevent key loggers, etc. Yes there is an active threat. I am not as familiar with Macintosh as I should be, what is the best firewall I can get for the Mac?

    S***estions for securing the instant messaging and email programs through the mac?

    I have pretty much given up on most email programs, my hotmail, yahoo and gmail accounts are easily hacked. Started going towards encrypted email solutions. Is there a paticularly good encrypted email program out there? free or cost, I am open to what works and works good.

    Once I network my other two desktops and the laptop to the wireless network what can I do to secure them?

    S***ested firewall software for the IBM computers as far as the hardest to hack?

    A better messenger program or ways to secure any of my current programs?

    Also any advice on what is going to be the most secure browser?

    Any advice appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    reading through the forums

    An APR tool will spoof the servers and other computers that you connect to while online to thinking that your ip address is something else
    This sounds like something I should be doing. What is a good one to use and do I need to just set it up on the computer with the router and the direct cable connection or on every single computer on the wireless network?

    Any recommendations on APR tools that you have used?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Alright stupid questions of I can't trust my ex/lover/spouse get answered but not this?

    Maybe a better question should be is there a forum you would recommend for a beginner to receive help securing their internet usage? I wanted to start here mostly because some of the excellent info written up by Data etc. A forum is only as good as the users.

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