I'm not familiar with netstat -a. Cannot even find much info on it.

However, by necessity, all your Internet traffic flows through your ISP. You cannot bypass your ISP with a proxy. Therefore, your ISP can sniff all your traffic, on any port, proxy or no proxy. If you are getting hits from ISP netblock could be hacker, worm, a trojan in your machine, etc.

You might want to use a firewall instead of, or in addition to, BlackIce (intrusion detection system) like ZoneAlarm which will block outbound connect attempts from internal trojans: [url]http://www.zonelabs.com/[/url]

Also, if you really want to know what's going in and out of your machine and where it's going, a packet sniffer is indispensable: [url]http://www.tamos.com/products/commview/[/url]