Rabbit, If you need his password for a good reason I can tell you how to get it.. you wouldnt be able to use a keylogger as it still needs a trojan to transmit back the capture log, that would have been detected by any good up to date antivirus,

heres what you need,

Ethereal to capture the originating I.P address during a conversation, you just need him to typ anything to you,
you can download that from lots of places, just type into google etereal

once you have a traffic capture with an IP and port capture you can try doing a telnet but it will take u ages to find a port thats up, sooo thats where you need a port scanner, or if you want to save yourself time in the next steps use a vunerability scanner, it will report any known security, security flaws, and open ports etc...

Next read through the report so you see what A.V they use, once you know that and an open port, Use a specifc buffer overflow through that open port youll need to open up a telnet or theres programs that can deploy for you given the parameters mentioned above.

next ... were nearly there. deploy a remote access trojan, I like my own modified version of globalKiller, but have a look round. you can do this from the telnet or the program u used to deploy the buffer overun,

then break the connexion, and use your global killer to view their screen as they do whatever they do, or record keystrokes or globalkiller even has password recovery so u can see every pword on their system (stored in cache that is)

Lol email [email]londonphoeinx@hotmail.com[/email] for a hand

have fun guys, and remeber hacking is bad