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Thread: myspace hack

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    When I first got frustrated about the state of things here, I too complained. Now, however, we have to accept that this website ranks in the first page of results for many search queries relating to breaking into certain online accounts, and as long as it remains there we will get the associated people appearing here constantly.

    We have two choices - either accept that there will be many "plz hack myspace" posts and learn to ignore them (only posting in threads which interest us), or simply leave. I soon will choose the latter.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by mike*0*
    FORUM SEARCH: [url][/url]

    GOOGLE: [url][/url]

    If you had SEARCHED this forum or even READ some threads here, you would have seen that there is no way to just hack accounts, there is only a few methods to redirect to fake pages etc. POSTING HERE BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO DUMB TO ACTUALLY READ ANYTHING ON THIS FORUM WILL JUST GET YOU BANNED FOR SPAMMING, because this thread is SPAM. People like you think that just because we are hackers, we can instantly hack any email or other account we want to. If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it, and NO ONE would use these services any more because they would be so insecure. Websites like myspace/email sites are SECURE, and you can't just "hack" them. Sometimes people find vulnerabilities in these sites, but they are fixed in hours. But if you had actually read anything instead of posting as soon as you find this forum, you would already know that, and would have known that you can only get passwords through social engineering, keyloggers, etc.

    You loser, if you are going to do something illegal, at least work out how to do it yourself. You can't just become a hacker through a few google searches for "hacking myspace".

    No, you are not looking for help, you are looking for someone to do all the work for you because you are too lazy to even read anything for yourself.
    Well said ;]

  3. #78
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    ermm.. i doubt it.

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I doubt it as well. D. Parker, Otto, and the other admins haven't got on in months, some in years. SyntaX******, the moderator, can't get on really often. I've messaged him about mod privleges for a few other members, but he never responds. I assume he dosen't have the privleges to give out privleges.

    This forum is trash.

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    This forum is trash.
    Yeah... we need to find a better forum...

    I know! [url][/url]

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Lol, thanks for the support.

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Just for the record, dredging up one of my posts from many months ago doesn't reflect my current opinion. I was pretty angry back then.

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Unhappy some one help plze

    can some one plze help me on hackin my girls myspace she told me she had a bf and she always gets on in the morning and i want to see if its true and what all they say some plze i wanna see it for myself i wanna read where she talks to another guy and see if its true well thanks

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    k, so. wow.

    Uh, okay. So, I'm not here to suck up to any of the people in here (if there are any left) with more than half a brain (i.e. mike and a few other people). Actually, I'm just posting because of my amusement at this forum.

    I just started thinking about learning how to hack today (well, a few hours ago), so I'm not even going to say I know crap about anything at all. I've got a basic idea of fake login pages from this forum alone, but that's pretty much it. I haven't gotten a chance to look up stuff like the C++ somebody mentioned, or any programs like OllyDBG or whatever that is.

    I'm not asking for somebody to help me hack a MySpace. Like I said before, I'm just posting because I feel like it. Not that you guys care, but hey, I'm bored and I feel like posting, so that's what I'm going to do, regardless.

    Some things I've noticed in this forum that made me laugh is the amount of people that you can so obviously tell came in here, watched the page pass in an unreadable blur and clicked the "post reply" button, without bothering to read anything. I, out of boredom, sat and read this whole freaking forum from first page to last, and I must say, it was quite interesting.

    Mike, you're smart. Why waste time here? If you dislike people who just want you to do their work to no profitable end, and you know that's basically the only people coming here, why do you?

    As for everyone else on this forum, you're either agreeing with Mike and obviously sucking up so he won't think you're a doofus and bash you like he did with the losers in the beginning of the forum, or you're one of those losers that he bashed in the beginning of the forum.

    Ha ha, you'll probably just think I'm a dumb little n00b who's just come here to act superior, but that's okay. I'm going to go now and leave you with my extremely long post (my apologies on the length) and go see if I can, in fact, make myself a fake login page from what little I've gleaned from this.

    I think I can, though. I'm not stupid. My main problem right now is finding out how to make the passwords come to me because I haven't seen that addressed in any of the sites I have browsed through today. Since I know how to edit codes, I think that's what I'm going to have to rely on until I can find enough information to start really learning.

    Until then, wish me luck.
    Or not, whatever floats your ***t.


  10. #85
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BREEtheOTD
    Mike, you're smart. Why waste time here? If you dislike people who just want you to do their work to no profitable end, and you know that's basically the only people coming here, why do you?
    It's a good question. I came to the conclusion that I'll stick around for as long as it takes for my to set up my own forum/website and either steal members from here or get new people.

    Ha ha, you'll probably just think I'm a dumb little n00b who's just come here to act superior, but that's okay. I'm going to go now and leave you with my extremely long post (my apologies on the length) and go see if I can, in fact, make myself a fake login page from what little I've gleaned from this.
    Being a beginner doesn't make you stupid. You seem pretty cool.

    I think I can, though. I'm not stupid. My main problem right now is finding out how to make the passwords come to me because I haven't seen that addressed in any of the sites I have browsed through today. Since I know how to edit codes, I think that's what I'm going to have to rely on until I can find enough information to start really learning.
    The delivery of fake login information always involves using server-side language (commonly PHP). Once you've got HTML forms and similar things ******ed, try reading the PHP manual sections on either file input/output or the mail function. File I/O can be used to write the users' details to the server (save them in a text file), and the mail function can be used to send the details directly via email to you. Those are the two best options of recording users' details (excluding writing it to a database instead of text file).

    (X)HTML file --> PHP script --> You.

    *. User enters password into fake page.
    2. User hits submit and details are sent to the PHP script.
    *. PHP script processes data accordingly and delivers it to you.
    4. You log in with details.

  11. #86
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Well, mike, if you can get a good amount of members, I'll probably just go to your forum, mine's has just become another waste of Invisionfree's services.

  12. #87
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    i just want to know how to get into someone elses account because someone messed with mine and i know who it was so im trying to get them back. Ive been looking all over for how to and this is the only site i have found . if you dont want to help or dont want to tell me could you atleast tell me a site that will show me?

  13. #88
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    yeah mike ill go to your formum becasue apparently you know excactly ehat you are doing

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Jackass Jon
    yeah mike ill go to your formum becasue apparently you know excactly ehat you are doing
    hmmm. That could be questioned.
    7h* L**7*57 c4n7 h4ck m*!
    Proud to have quit playing ®µÑȧ©ÅÞË

    If you write like a semi-literate boob you will very likely be ignored.
    Writing like a l**t script kiddie hax0r is the absolute l**t*st way to write!

  15. #90
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by ~~smart~fool~~
    hmmm. That could be questioned.
    You're all free to do that, because that's the point of a forum. I never claimed to be an expert.

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