i wanna learn it.how can i do this fast.
i wanna learn it.how can i do this fast.
Google for "Learning C The Hard Way" -- probably the quickest possible (but it will still take time to get good).
If you want to create any kind of software, you first have to learn programming in general.
Your first step should be to get a good book that teaches you the fundamentals. A good book to start is:
(I strongly recommend the python version here)
This book is so well because it does not waste time teaching you a specific language or libraries but concentrates you on how to program.
Then you need to learn object oriented programming. A good book that does this is this book about Java:
"Thinking in Java"
and you need to know about low level programming. Here, I recommend this book:
"The C Programming Language"
And then, to become a really good hacker, you will have to read this one:
"Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs"
there is a free online version here:
IMPORTANT: Beside all the reading, you have to constanly read other programs and write your own code. These three things are pretty much equally important to make fast progress: reading books, writing code and understanding other peoples code.
As an somewhat alternative route, Peter Norvig, one of the greatest thinkers of our time, has set up a document a while ago that teaches a good way to become a good programmer:
"How to become a programmer in *0 years"
I am new and i wanna also learing c programming please give me some s***estion about c programming..
Last edited by Roseangel; 03-18-2016 at 07:06 AM.