Quote Originally Posted by mike*0*
Different code runs on different operating systems. You can't make a program for ALL operating systems, because they all have different standards and different ways of doing things. If everybody was using the same OS, they would all be able to use the same programs - but people use different operating systems.

You use a compiler to create programs, as you probably know. This compiler will compile code for the operating system it's running on, so for example if you made a program in Dev-C++ on windows, it will compile an executable for windows. To make programs for a specific OS, you simply boot into that operating system and find a compiler. You can't really program for a specific OS unless you're using it.

Programs on windows are generally backwards-compatible with all the windows versions down to *5. There are some features which are only available in later versions (like XP), but if you make sure you only use functions that are available in all windows versions, your program will run on any windows OS. Windows hasn't really changed that much in *0 years.
Arhh thank you thats the answer i needed.