
The digisecret pass phrase can accept 256 symbols
(charecters),the ascii charecters from 0-255
It would be a good idea to utilise the entire space
provided for the pass phrase,atleast *28 charecters
would be good
To generate the ascii charecter in the passphrase
use the alt+ascii-number.

If the Ascii set charecters is used an exhaustive brute
force would on a *28 charecter pass phrase would take
(if ^ denote exponent)
A 256 charecter pass phrase take
attempts if the passphrase used contains the charecter
of the ascii set.
Both are whopingly large numbers!
It would be a good idea to use a phrase longer than *28
charecters and to make use of the entir ascii set for
the pass phrase.

Regards Data.