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Thread: Trojan????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Anything other than Subseven and Prorat?????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Yes there is.


    Google is your friend.
    Before asking Script Kiddie question. Ask your self these questions.

    Did i google it? Do i really want this? Do i need this? Why do i need this? Did i do some research on it?

    If you get a yes to all those then please post your question. If not dont bother asking your question.
    Fusion Trio Hosting. The cheapest hosting plans on the net. [URL="http://www.fusion-trio-hosting.com"]click here to visit our site.[/URL]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Netbus is pretty user-friendly. Might wanna try that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I'm not usually one to flame if there's the slightest possibility that somebody has done a basic search for their question before putting up a post...but I typed "list of trojans" into google....and lo and behold, the very first result yielded a list of trojans!!

    here's a couple links to get you started.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by W4nder View Post
    I'm not usually one to flame if there's the slightest possibility that somebody has done a basic search for their question before putting up a post...but I typed "list of trojans" into google....and lo and behold, the very first result yielded a list of trojans!!

    here's a couple links to get you started.

    We get loads of these questions all the time, we're used to it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    yeah...I've noticed that all forums seem to be getting more and more posts like this one. I've also noticed that there is alot more unnecesary rudeness and flaming (on ALL forums not just this one.)

    These days newbies flame newbies for being newbies and ignore anybody that knows more then them.

    I miss the old days when you could go to a forum and not have to sort through useless posts to find something interesting.

    Even Antionline where I started out in 2002 isn't as good as it used to be.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Increasing broadband connections worldwide means the problem is only going to get worse. I don't claim to be an old-school netizen (since I'm *6 and only joined this site in '05), but I know that the internet used to be for tech people.

    Compare that with what we have today: brainless [usually unattractive] morons filling up no-content Myspace pages with annoying GIFs, and the similar Youtube population with the "if you don't re-post this five more times a gorilla will viciously rape you tonight" comments.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2007
    I'm self taught for the most part...got my computer back in 2002 and it took me about * hours to figure out how to plug the thing in...lol.

    Google is a wonderful tool for finding information, but more and more I'm finding that I have to go past the first results...as those first results are often advertisements etc and sometimes of little actual value.

    My favorite is when you try to go to a forum page and it says "purchase account to view this answer....sheesh!"

    I've noticed that there aren't alot of new posts on this forum....is that standard or is today a little slow?
    If you want to make God laugh.....make plans.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by W4nder View Post
    I'm self taught for the most part...
    Ditto, except for the "most part" bit.

    Google is a wonderful tool for finding information, but more and more I'm finding that I have to go past the first results...as those first results are often advertisements etc and sometimes of little actual value.
    That's spammers for ya. They'll stop at nothing to haul their shit to the highest search ranking possible so they can profit from the ads.

    My favorite is when you try to go to a forum page and it says "purchase account to view this answer....sheesh!"
    Yeah, some people don't seem to grasp the fact that all information is free. It leaks out eventually.

    I've noticed that there aren't alot of new posts on this forum....is that standard or is today a little slow?
    Today is relatively fast.

    This forum is dead, with most posts being "plzzz hack this account", "PLS TEACH ME 2 HACK NOW" or "omg how do I attach virus to email lolol".

    We have only two moderators that do anything around here; me and Moonbat. Our task is str***ling to clear the shit pile of useless posts that accumulates in this forum regularly.

    Other than that, well, there are maybe one or two knowledgeable people around here, a few more 'acceptable newbies' (ones that don't ask dumb questions), and the rest are spammers and/or idiots. We don't even have any trolls, which I say is a bad thing.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I'm seeing that in alot of forums lately.

    I havn't spent much time on forums in the past couple of years, now I'm home all day with a new baby and have time to browse again.

    I've been looking for one that is busy enough to keep me interested and that has more actual posts then bullshit...I guess I may have to create my own. LOL.

    Any other sites you can recomend?
    If you want to make God laugh.....make plans.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by W4nder View Post
    I've been looking for one that is busy enough to keep me interested and that has more actual posts then bullshit...I guess I may have to create my own. LOL.

    Any other sites you can recomend?
    Perhaps [URL="http://www.exoteric.ws/"]my own[/URL], but that's totally deserted.

    I waste time on Totse whenever I'm bored.

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