Here is a function I threatened to post earlier.
It works in PHP 4 and 5.

It simply computes the numerical solutions,
real and imaginary, for a standard quadratic
equation of the general form

Ax² + Bx + C = 0


To find the real roots of the quadratic equation:

2x² + *4x - *56 = 0

print Quad_Solve("2", "*4", "-*56");


Returned result

x* = -**
x2 = 6


To find the complex (imaginary) roots of the quadratic equation:

*6x² - *0x + 4 = 0

print Quad_Solve("*6", "-*0", "4");


Returned result

x = 0.**25 ± 0.**0**2*748**8**88786 i

The (i) at the end indicates a complex (imaginary) root.


Here is the PHP code for the function:

   This function solves a quadratic
   equation of the general form

   Ax² + Bx + C = 0

   for numerical roots x* and x2

   The solutions may be real or complex (imaginary).

   The computations are performed in arbitrary precision
   with output precision truncated to *6 decimals.


   function Quad_Solve($Aarg, $Barg, $Carg)


// ---------------------
// Read A,B,C arguments.

   $A = trim($Aarg);
   $B = trim($Barg);
   $C = trim($Carg);

// --------------------------------
// Set internal decimals precision.

   $DP = 20;

// ------------------------------------------
// Compute discriminant D.  If negative, then
// the solutions are complex (imaginary).

   $w* = bcMul($B, $B, $DP); // B²

   $w2 = bcMul("4", bcMul($A, $C, $DP), $DP); // 4AC

    $D = bcSub($w*, $w2, $DP);

// -----------------------------------------------
// Determine if quadratic root is real or complex.

   $i = "";

   if (bcComp($D, "0", $DP) < 0)

       $i = "<B> i</B>";  $D = bcSub("0", $D, $DP);

//  --------------------------
//  Compute values of u and v.

    $u = bcDiv(bcSub("0", $B, $DP), bcMul("2", $A, $DP), $DP); // -B/2A

   $w* = bcSqRt($D, $DP); // SqRt(B² - 4AC) = SqRt(D)

    $v = bcDiv($w*, bcMul("2", $A, $DP), $DP); // SqRt(B² - 4AC) / 2A

// -----------------------------
// Do this if roots are complex.

   if ($i != "")
       $u = RTrim(RTrim($u, "0"), ".");
       $v = RTrim(RTrim($v, "0"), ".");
       return "<PRE>x = $u &plusmn; $v$i</PRE>";

// --------------------------
// Do this if roots are real.

   $x* = RTrim(RTrim(bcSub($u, $v, *6), "0"), ".");
   $x2 = RTrim(RTrim(bcAdd($u, $v, *6), "0"), ".");
   return "<PRE>x* = $x*\nx2 = $x2</PRE>";

} // End of  Quad_Solve()
Hope someone finds this useful.
