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Thread: Stop Offend Our Oountry

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Stop Offend Our Country


    I read that some on from Saudi Arabia enter to the forum and trying to offend you guys,,

    actually he doesn't spam he is want to define him self & was said he doesn't speak a good English also he interesting in the forum ,,, but you guys don't welcome him so the problem is rise up..

    I know that topic is very old, I read the post about A "notice for Saudi people", ((mike*5*)) you offend us and I find you no respect, I register just to repay to you that we are people not accept any offends

    look if you want to replay to that sh*t user,, replay the word against him ,, and don't general the Saudi people, this one thing ,,

    the other thing I see this forum is about Computers & Internet tools, you talk about the politics of other country and trying to distort our country ,,, Saudi Arabia give you the oil for your life with out it you can't drive your car or get this computer to manage this form, think about it and stop offend us and our traditional you think it's "barbaric and immoral rules" yeah what we expected from you , take a look for the books about the Arab country, read about it before send offense against the rich History , the authors of this books is from your country.

    notice that you don't believe on god ok that's your personalty, and your responsibility on your life, not our business.

    at last we don't want your apologise keep it.

    Last edited by Hawk; 10-25-2007 at 10:36 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Do everybody a favor.. learn to fucking spell as well as type in proper English.
    Your sentence: I read that some on from Saudi Arabia enter to the forum and trying to offend you guys,,
    How it should have been typed: I read that someone from Saudi Arabia entered the forum and tried to offend you guys,
    See the difference.

    apologise is actually spelled Apologize, Apologized
    basically put, what you typed sounded more like baby babble on an old topic.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Hawk View Post
    actually he doesn't spam he is want to define him self & was said he doesn't speak a good English also he interesting in the forum ,,, but you guys don't welcome him so the problem is rise up..
    This was a misunderstanding -- we thought he was trying to spam and harass us. However, it is not our fault, since we have forum rules that clearly state that all posts must be in English and must be on-topic. He didn't follow these rules, which are very clear at the top of each forum.

    I know that topic is very old, I read the post about A "notice for Saudi people", ((mike*5*)) you offend us and I find you no respect, I register just to repay to you that we are people not accept any offends
    I spoke my opinions. Instead of the Saudi people speaking their opinions and us having a logical debate, they all took offence that I dare insult their faith.

    Well sorry for thinking it's all a load of bullshit! You can say the same about my beliefs if you want to.

    Why is it okay in society to insult a person's height, ugliness, and so on, but not their skin colour? All are things that the person didn't choose to be born with, but for some reason, insulting someone's skin colour seems to be ten times worse than picking on their other features.

    All of the above are equally offensive to someone, yet society prioritises those with a victim complex. I think all the things listed (racism, sexism, etc.) are bad incidentally, but I was making my point.

    However, if someone chooses to insist the sky is red, I will call them delusional and pick apart their delusions in record time. If someone insists that they will win the lottery tonight, I will tell them there is very little possibility of it happening. This is all accepted (and even encouraged) in society.

    If someone insisted there is a god that sends you to heaven or hell depending on your actions, I would tell them that said god is omniscient and would already know what's gonna happen; making heaven and hell redundant. Same logical deconstruction of their delusions as before, but it's faith, so this person would get extremely offended and society would look down on me with shame. You can't criticise faith.

    the other thing I see this forum is about Computers & Internet tools, you talk about the politics of other country and trying to distort our country
    If all it takes is a *6-year-old on the internet to distort your country, I'm afraid your country is shit.

    Saudi Arabia give you the oil for your life with out it you can't drive your car or get this computer to manage this form, think about it
    Yeah, and we pay a very good price for your oil so we have nothing to be thankful for in that area. Oil prices are always rising! Is there something you're not telling us?

    Also, when countries start extracting oil from the Arctic, you're gonna be shit out of luck. Maybe sand is a valuable natural resource... I think you should switch to solar energy whatever the case.

    and stop offend us and our traditional you think it's "barbaric and immoral rules" yeah what we expected from you
    Yeah, and I'm right. They are barbaric and immoral.


    "Come on man, we need to save those girls from the fire!"

    "No, we can't! They are not wearing the right fucking robes, so let 'em burn!"

    notice that you don't believe on god ok that's your personalty, and your responsibility on your life, not our business.
    Sure it's your business if you want it to be. If you notice any [logical] flaws in my beliefs, feel free to point them out so I can rethink my opinions.

    at last we don't want your apologise keep it.
    That's coincidental -- I wasn't planning to apologise!

    See ya.

    apologise is actually spelled Apologize, Apologized
    Actually it's spelt 'apologise' in English-English. Since England invented the language, how it's spelt is still defined as how we spell it until variants are named "American" or something else instead of "English".

    France, England, Germany, the USA, Canada, Spain, Italy and many others would still all be speaking 'Latin' unless each individual country renamed their language when it changed sufficiently. If they hadn't, 'Latin' would have sounded very different every time you crossed the borders.

    When a Latin-speaking nation's language changed over time, did they go back to the Roman Empire and tell them "You're all writing incorrectly!"? They'd most likely receive the reply "Fuck off; we invented this so we get to make the rules. Plus we have a giant empire that can pwn your shitty country.".

    What am I s***esting? That other 'English'-speaking countries rename their language to something different when they feel it has changed significantly.

    Yeah, and we also spell 'spelled' as 'spelt'. Again, same point as before.

    (S)he was actually trying to say "apologies" though (as in plural of one apology), but what I said is still relevant.

    The rest of the stuff you said though, I agree with, Syndicate.
    Last edited by Ezekiel; 10-25-2007 at 08:45 AM.
    Who needs drugs when you have electrons?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Syndicate View Post
    Do everybody a favor.. learn to fucking spell as well as type in proper English.
    Your sentence: I read that some on from Saudi Arabia enter to the forum and trying to offend you guys,,
    How it should have been typed: I read that someone from Saudi Arabia entered the forum and tried to offend you guys,
    See the difference.

    apologise is actually spelled Apologize, Apologized
    basically put, what you typed sounded more like baby babble on an old topic.
    do you want to learn me how is the english !!,unfortunately my topic isn't wrote for you, then I don't want your evaluation, coz I know what I am writing, if you think you perfect in the Dictionary keep it on you own. I know when I wrote this topic I will not welcomed, the baby whose talked to defend his country now he is a baby haa ,, ok ok thanx alot.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by mike*5* View Post
    This was a misunderstanding -- we thought he was trying to spam and harass us. However, it is not our fault, since we have forum rules that clearly state that all posts must be in English and must be on-topic. He didn't follow these rules, which are very clear at the top of each forum.
    this is a misunderstanding ! , you open a topic and trying offend us is this misunderstanding also?

    totally true the rule is very clear, and that shit user goes up like a crazy and offend all users, I saw his topic !.
    I spoke my opinions. Instead of the Saudi people speaking their opinions and us having a logical debate, they all took offence that I dare insult their faith.
    thanx your opinons was very clear, we don't need it.

    I am not blame you coz you don't believe so I know the replying what will be.

    Well sorry for thinking it's all a load of bullshit! You can say the same about my beliefs if you want to.
    thanks for my religion, its learn me to respect the believers or none.. & prohibited me to talking against them .

    If all it takes is a *6-year-old on the internet to distort your country,
    well, at least you made one topic to distort our country,

    I'm afraid your country is shit
    you afraid of the shit,, a pity. the shit of my country is Superior than one of ****s you have.

    Yeah, and we pay a very good price for your oil so we have nothing to be thankful for in that area. Oil prices are always rising! Is there something you're not telling us?
    yes the price for rices is goes up.

    Yeah, and I'm right. They are barbaric and immoral.


    "Come on man, we need to save those girls from the fire!"

    "No, we can't! They are not wearing the right fucking robes, so let 'em burn!"
    yes that's the problem you from UK *****ing the fraud news this all what you read whole shit,, was the problem from the schools in side not a capable for run, they fire all the staff's and send them to home.

    be sure that not all the news is true, always BBC, with some news mislead your people.

    and again if you see it They are barbaric and immora, thank you alot appreciated you.

    if your think this wearing is fucking robes,, do you know why?

    OUR FEMALE IS like a diamond, if you went to Diamond shop what is you prefare the who always people touch it ,, or the new one into that case not one see it or open it,, do you know get me,, this is the Islam respectable the female,,,

    better than one of bitches walking in your country need fucking *000000 men in one day.

    beleive me the problem not from you the problem from the fault news you read,, that's why you offended.

    Sure it's your business if you want it to be. If you notice any [logical] flaws in my beliefs, feel free to point them out so I can rethink my opinions
    true that your believe need rethinking,, you are educative, you capable to find out more than my opinions just open some books and think out.

    sorry for bothering.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Saudis go to hell. And no we dont like you nor your language.
    7h* L**7*57 c4n7 h4ck m*!
    Proud to have quit playing ®µÑȧ©ÅÞË

    If you write like a semi-literate boob you will very likely be ignored.
    Writing like a l**t script kiddie hax0r is the absolute l**t*st way to write!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ~~smart~fool~~ View Post
    Saudis go to hell. And no we dont like you nor your language.
    who ask you to like me ?! ,, you also go to deep hell !

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Hawk View Post
    this is a misunderstanding ! , you open a topic and trying offend us is this misunderstanding also?
    There's a difference between trying to offend people and sharing your opinions. It isn't my fault if you jump straight to the victim complex and get offended.

    totally true the rule is very clear, and that shit user goes up like a crazy and offend all users, I saw his topic !.

    thanx your opinons was very clear, we don't need it.
    Look up the definition of "closed-mindedness" in a dictionary. You'll find a mirror.

    thanks for my religion, its learn me to respect the believers or none.. & prohibited me to talking against them .
    Oh yes, let's praise our delusions and our imaginary figure in the sky! Let's praise our god who classifies people into "believers" and "infidels", then instils a sense of superiority in the former.

    I could go on about this, but I already have many, many times and it's getting really dull.

    well, at least you made one topic to distort our country,
    That's a good thing. The more logic I can pound into your brainwashed skulls, the better.

    you afraid of the shit,, a pity. the shit of my country is Superior than one of ****s you have.
    Yeah, I imagine the collective excrement of an entire nation would be 'greater' than one strand of ****.

    yes the price for rices is goes up.
    What the fuck does rice have to do with anything? Are you referring to inflation?

    Incidentally, China has a prospering economy. I'm considering learning Chinese, since that would be an asset in the future.

    In fact, that's such a profound statement, I'm gonna put it in my signature.

    yes that's the problem you from UK *****ing the fraud news this all what you read whole shit,, was the problem from the schools in side not a capable for run, they fire all the staff's and send them to home.

    be sure that not all the news is true, always BBC, with some news mislead your people.
    I agree with you, to some extent. I barely ever watch TV, and whenever I have to occasionally watch the news, I don't take it seriously. Mass-media is very much in control of governments, conglomerates, etc.

    Take a look at this list:


    These are all companies owned by News Corporation; Rupert Murdoch's company. As you can see, a large proportion of our media sources (for the masses) are owned by one company, and this company can pump whatever propaganda they want into said media without competition or revelation of their bullshit. They can feed whatever 'truth' they want to the public (reminds me of The Matrix ).

    One thing they own is BSkyB; the largest satellite digital TV provider in the UK. You could say BBC is manipulated by the government, and Sky TV plus many of our newspapers are manipulated by Rupert Murdoch.

    You might be a bit paranoid though.

    My point is, I rarely, if ever, get my news from traditional media sources here in the UK.

    I read a newspaper a couple of weeks ago (out of pure boredom), and inside was utter crap. Meaningless stories about meaningless celebrities mixed with [incorrect] opinion presented as fact.

    For example, the story written by an uneducated "concerned parent" about how cannabis is evil and causes many ridiculously untrue problems. Of course, no sources are cited.

    Here's an idea: get someone with a degree in pharmacology to write articles on drugs, idiots! My fucking cat probably knows more than this woman.

    Just an example. Most of the writers throw in their shitty opinions and tell readers "this is how it is", and some people actually buy it.

    and again if you see it They are barbaric and immora, thank you alot appreciated you.
    Thanks for thanking me. Can you thank me for thanking you for thanking me? Then I can thank you for thanking me for thanking you for thanking me!

    if your think this wearing is fucking robes,, do you know why?

    OUR FEMALE IS like a diamond, if you went to Diamond shop what is you prefare the who always people touch it ,, or the new one into that case not one see it or open it,, do you know get me,, this is the Islam respectable the female,,,
    Damn, this is hilarious.

    I said fucking as a fucking expletive; not a reference to sexual intercourse.

    ...but now that you mention it, do you have different robes for different occasions?

    "Yeah baby, take off your dinner robe. It's time for you to wear your fucking robe."

    better than one of bitches walking in your country need fucking *000000 men in one day.
    Between consenting people, I don't think it matters how regularly you have sex. It is a person's own decision.

    We, in the free world, don't have rules to govern our personal lives.

    Going back to your diamond-shop analogy, I would pick the diamond that was most beatiful, regardless of its damn case or whether it has been touched (oh noes) by other people. The diamond and I wouldn't dwell on the past, as if it even mattered.

    Is 'case' a metaphor for virginity?

    I'm confused now. Maybe I should have sex with diamonds to settle this matter once and for all.

    By the way, I think by "bitches walking in your country need fucking *000000 men in one day" you are referring to prostitutes, and such a prostitute would have to be extremely prolific and efficient to reach the "million-in-a-day" goal. Such an accomplishment would make the Guinness Book of Records for sure.

    beleive me the problem not from you the problem from the fault news you read
    Yeah, but... I don't.

    true that your believe need rethinking
    In your opinion, since yours clashes with mine. I'm perfectly able to explain my beliefs with logic, yet all you can come up with is whiny "you aren't allowed to offend us!" posts.

    who ask you to like me ?! ,, you also go to deep hell !
    Hell doesn't exist, you idiots.
    Last edited by Ezekiel; 10-25-2007 at 06:33 PM.
    Who needs drugs when you have electrons?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I lol'd.

    Hawk, let's just say... you're preaching to the wrong choir. Nobody here cares for your opinions. That's like me going to a KKK forum and asking them to like Jews and Blacks, or going to a forum full of mujahidin and asking them to praise America and all of it's people.

    If you want people to agree with you and embrace your particular opinions, this isn't the place to make that happen.
    "Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains." -Karl Marx

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Moonbat View Post
    I lol'd.

    Hawk, let's just say... you're preaching to the wrong choir. Nobody here cares for your opinions. That's like me going to a KKK forum and asking them to like Jews and Blacks, or going to a forum full of mujahidin and asking them to praise America and all of it's people.

    If you want people to agree with you and embrace your particular opinions, this isn't the place to make that happen.
    Agree with you, I expected to not welcoming, I am not force the people to my opinion, any way the life is learning,,, thanx

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Hawk View Post
    who ask you to like me ?! ,, you also go to deep hell !
    Fuck you, whats deep hell? google translator?
    7h* L**7*57 c4n7 h4ck m*!
    Proud to have quit playing ®µÑȧ©ÅÞË

    If you write like a semi-literate boob you will very likely be ignored.
    Writing like a l**t script kiddie hax0r is the absolute l**t*st way to write!

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~~smart~fool~~ View Post
    Fuck you, whats deep hell? google translator?
    you will test the deep hell when you leave the world.

  13. #13
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    Jun 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Hawk View Post
    you will test the deep hell when you leave the world.
    lol @ that i almost laughed
    7h* L**7*57 c4n7 h4ck m*!
    Proud to have quit playing ®µÑȧ©ÅÞË

    If you write like a semi-literate boob you will very likely be ignored.
    Writing like a l**t script kiddie hax0r is the absolute l**t*st way to write!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Moonbat View Post
    Hawk, let's just say... you're preaching to the wrong choir. Nobody here cares for your opinions.
    My mind is wide open for others' opinions and criticisms, but this isn't a mutual exchange of opinions and criticisms.

    What is it? It's one guy presenting a logical argument, then the other person being closed-minded and falling back on the victim complex because there is no logic whatsoever in what they're saying. Next, the other person getting offended because they have been brought up to take offence at any reasonable deconstruction of their [obviously superior] religion from us infidels.

    Fuck you, whats deep hell? google translator?
    I was thinking of posting some sexual-innuendo involving "Deep Hell", but there were so many possibilities, my brain had a memory-leak and I had to kill its process before it consumed too much of my time.

    See? This forum is still about computers.

    you will test the deep hell when you leave the world.
    Ah, closed-minded fools showing their true colours. "Hahaha, I'm going to heaven and you're going to hell, noob!". If you want to preach Islam to us, at least follow its teachings yourself.

    News for you all: nobody will get the last laugh. We will all die, rot, and our bones will be discovered in *000 years by archaeologists who, incidentally, have made a treacherous trip to the old planet "Earth" that was destroyed by their predecessors. They will all piss on our graves for forcing them to live on Mars where they endure a massive overcrowding problem, subzero temperatures most of the time and the necessity to wear masks for oxygen-supply (oxygen being synthesised from water found in pockets several miles below the surface).

    Yeah, they'd be pissed.

    *Thinks about massive energy-consumption, nitrous oxide-emission, occasional littering and unnecessary car rides.*



    I don't claim to know whether or not a god exists (or what it is exactly), and anyone who says they do is a naive idiot.
    Last edited by Ezekiel; 10-27-2007 at 02:42 PM.
    Who needs drugs when you have electrons?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I get a feeling I won't be having my little break I planned.

    Guys, we all need to take a hint from a certain Disney movie called "High School Musical" We're SOARING! FLYING! There's not a STAR in HEAVEN that we can't REACH!!

    If you examine the capitalized words, you will see that they involve the sky and/or heaven. As you can see, Disney is clearly trying to motivate its viewers towards a Judeo-Christian belief. I propose a radical solution to this epidemic of infecting our children with religious beliefs through the pretext of a nice, good-natured movie about high school romance.

    We need to write hundreds of thousands of angry letters to Disney's main office (intel coming soon) and we need to go to Walt Disney's grave and take a nice, long, comforting piss while chanting anti-propaganda phrases.

    Also, I propose we do a huge rickrolling event. We take this picture:


    And we put many many many many videos on Youtube pretending to be a song excerpt from High School Musical. But in reality, we will have this picture in the background and let the video viewers know of the abomination being spread by Disney.

    Join me my brothers! Join me my sisters!
    Quote Originally Posted by Benjamin Franklin
    We must hang together, for we will surely hang seperately.
    "Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains." -Karl Marx

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