Originally Posted by
Do everybody a favor.. learn to fucking spell as well as type in proper English.
Your sentence: I read that some on from Saudi Arabia enter to the forum and trying to offend you guys,,
How it should have been typed: I read that someone from Saudi Arabia entered the forum and tried to offend you guys,
See the difference.
apologise is actually spelled Apologize, Apologized
basically put, what you typed sounded more like baby babble on an old
Excuse me? Why don't you learn how to have some respect. What were you bored when you saw his post or something? You just made yourself look a total and complete idiotic fool. So what if he misspelled a few words wrong and mis phrased another. Wow you have some attitude there. Now, if this was a different "site/forum" on "other" topics, I would generally agree with you. But since it's nothing that important and is irrelevant ( meaning "nothing to do with something serious", plz don't take no offense to this I am defending you) Why dose it matter? It looks like to me you understood his point, and what he was trying to get across, dose it not? So instead of trying to make yourself look good, you made yourself look like a fool instead. I realize that this topic is old.. But I would still like to add my 2 cents.
PGP Signature:
-I cannot agree with those who rank modesty among the virtues. To the logician all things should be seen exactly as they are, and to underestimate one's self is as much a departure from truth as to exaggerate one's own powers. .
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