Help on WEP/WPA cracking
Well, I've done my Googling, but I have yet to find any definitive help for cracking into protected networks for a guy using Windows. Most tutorials involve *nix programs, *nix stuff, etc. It's not that I [url=]do not want[/url] to use a *nix system, it's just that I don't have experience with it, and I want a Windows tutorial using programs that will run on Windows.
Oh, just so this thread isn't just me crying for help, I'll include some links I've visited trying to look for help:
[url=]*. This very informative guide, sadly it's using *nix stuff[/url]
[url=]2. Any Wikipedia page you can think of[/url]
So yeah, I need a decent tutorial, or some tutorials, on cracking WEP/WPA using programs supported by Windows. Thanks to anyone who can help.
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