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Thread: I would like know who is using proxy.

  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest

    I would like know who is using proxy.

    How could i know a visiter use proxy who is visiting my site?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Re: I would like know who is using proxy.

    Originally posted by Unregistered
    How could i know a visiter use proxy who is visiting my site?

    Method * . Connect at the same port and same IP of the 'suspected proxy' and see if you can proxy thru or use a proxy tester (AAproxy, Proxomitron.....)

    Method 2. You can tell from the address name of the proxy that most of the times contains a hint, or you should suspect an IP that does not have a DNS name (does not resolve)

    Method *. Check with Smartwhois and get an idea about the originator.

    By the way is it an http or an FTP server ?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    How do we know if a server is a router or not?What are its well known services?

    thank u.


  4. #4
    mbravo Guest
    Originally posted by DATA

    How do we know if a server is a router or not?What are its well known services?

    thank u.

    You could try probing port *6*/udp - this is snmp service, often enabled on routers. However, security-conscious admins will filter it to allow access only from management stations.

    Same goes for BGP ports - *7*/tcp and *7*/udp

    In general, admins try to make routers stealthy enough.

    If you are able to sniff a net segment adjacent to the router, you can look for packets of various routing protocols. CommView or Ethereal would do nicely for that.

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