can you trace somebodys e mail if he send e mail from hotmail to hotmail?
i wanna know who's treathing me!!
can you trace somebodys e mail if he send e mail from hotmail to hotmail?
i wanna know who's treathing me!!
Ok check this:
*. Log into your email account.
2. Click on Options.
*. Under additional Options, click on Mail Display Settings.
4. Under Message Headers, click on Advanced.
5. Click on OK.
Now, if you kept any of the emails that this FUCKTARD is sending you, open it and under the date, it should list his IP addy. It should look something like this: X-Originating-IP: [***.***.*** etc.] Get it and go to the main page and do a smartwhois deal on it. that should tell you where the email is coming from, at least the persons ISP.
Take care,
hey, did it work for you? did you find out who was threatening you? let us know.