Quote Originally Posted by mike*0*
FORUM SEARCH: [url]http://www.all-nettools.com/forum/search.php[/url]

GOOGLE: [url]http://www.google.com[/url]

If you had SEARCHED this forum or even READ some threads here, you would have seen that there is no way to just hack accounts, there is only a few methods to redirect to fake pages etc. POSTING HERE BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO DUMB TO ACTUALLY READ ANYTHING ON THIS FORUM WILL JUST GET YOU BANNED FOR SPAMMING, because this thread is SPAM. People like you think that just because we are hackers, we can instantly hack any email or other account we want to. If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it, and NO ONE would use these services any more because they would be so insecure. Websites like myspace/email sites are SECURE, and you can't just "hack" them. Sometimes people find vulnerabilities in these sites, but they are fixed in hours. But if you had actually read anything instead of posting as soon as you find this forum, you would already know that, and would have known that you can only get passwords through social engineering, keyloggers, etc.

You loser, if you are going to do something illegal, at least work out how to do it yourself. You can't just become a hacker through a few google searches for "hacking myspace".

No, you are not looking for help, you are looking for someone to do all the work for you because you are too lazy to even read anything for yourself.
Well said ;]