So yeah, half of you will call me a script kiddie, but we all have to start somewhere,

So yeah ive developed fake login screens for several sites, Hotmail being one of them, (and no i wont send you them, if you cant be bothered to develop them yourselves), ive decided to do it in html, as im aiming to send the html as an attachment (therefore not giving away that its not the original website) ive adapted in a form mailer taken from a site providing this service, as of now it sends and everything is successful, But i want to rid of the "your mail has been sent rubbish" which is the next page,after the user presses submit, i tried to use IFrames, but it didnt accept it, now im thinking could i use the submit button, as like a popup? then just resize it to a non visible size?

But i cant Figure out how to to include it.....

any hints or tips?