I don't want to waste your time since I'm so certain that you have much more important things to handle than to help me. I was just wondering if there is anyway to retrieve lost internet files when someone deletes them. I had pages that I had saved that I wanted to go back to, but I didn't bookmark them and my boyfriend deleted them when he was on my computer. I asked him what for and he was like, "Because I don't want you to have my password." I'm fairly certain that when you log off the internet on my computer internet that there is no way to retrieve that password anyway unless you saved it, but I could be wrong. Anyway, I use mozilla firefox and he went in and deleted all of that browsing history as well as in the folder for internet options he deleted all the cookies, temoprary internet files, and internet cache. I tried searching in "index.dat" in the all files and folders section of my computer, but I couldn't find those pages. I guess that if there is no way to access them then they must be gone for good and I'm sorry for wasting your time with this letter. Any response would be much appreciated.
