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Thread: multiproxy

  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest

    Question multiproxy

    Anyone tried Multiproxy what did you think

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest

    Not bad but...

    you must use an another tool to test the anonymity. Sometime multiproxy don't detect proxy well.

    use a tool like aatool or something else.


  3. #3
    z Guest


    It's free and that's nice but if you want really good proggie try anonymity 4 proxy!!!!
    *00X better than Multiproxy....

  4. #4
    C***** Guest


    What makes it so much better in your opinion?Have one,haven`t tried it yet,I have MProxy and I quite like it so far.I use Proxy Checker first and load result to MP.Does A4P select proxies by speed automatically?I like that in MP.

  5. #5
    z Guest


    A4 lets you modify/block/spoof ANY HTTP headers your browser could be leaking out to nosy websites, does full reliable tests on all proxy servers to guarantee anonymity (unlike Multiproxy and other sw like this), lets you block out hosts( you can use this feature to block out most ad hosting sites so ads hardly ever load when you surfing), lets you watch what request are going out/in to the websites in real time and and....Look at self...I don't use MP.

    I use Proxy Checker first and load result to MP...

    You don't need Procy Checker with a4

    Does A4P select proxies by speed automatically?

    Yes and much more....

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