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Thread: My password has been changed???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    My password has been changed???


    I know you have probably heard this one before and a number of times! But I am looking to get into my e-mail account. I got a letter from my e-mail provider; yahoo on Dec 20th saying my password has been changed. However, I never changed my password. It all seems none of my information has been changed. However, I have no clue what my Birthday on yahoo is, odd! I know that if someone did hack my account, they are not able to change it, other then that I am lost on what the hell I did for my birth date! I e-mail yahoo to see if they could help and that is how I found out for sure it was my birthday that did not match! I was wondering if someone could help me regain my account, I have had it for 7 years. Also, I do not have any ***** to use on programs to get my password. I am also wondering if anyone knows how to change the birthday on the account, so this never happens to me again? I am also very incompetent when it comes to computers and these types of things! If anyone can help me, thanks!

    Bunny 4

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Bunny 4

    I know you have probably heard this one before and a number of times! But I am looking to get into my e-mail account. I got a letter from my e-mail provider; yahoo on Dec 20th saying my password has been changed. However, I never changed my password. It all seems none of my information has been changed. However, I have no clue what my Birthday on yahoo is, odd! I know that if someone did hack my account, they are not able to change it, other then that I am lost on what the hell I did for my birth date! I e-mail yahoo to see if they could help and that is how I found out for sure it was my birthday that did not match! I was wondering if someone could help me regain my account, I have had it for 7 years. Also, I do not have any ***** to use on programs to get my password. I am also wondering if anyone knows how to change the birthday on the account, so this never happens to me again? I am also very incompetent when it comes to computers and these types of things! If anyone can help me, thanks!

    Bunny 4
    No, as I have said before abot a HUNDRED TIMES, there is NO WAY TO HACK EMAIL ACCOUNTS. The email servers are secure, they are designed to NOT BE HACKED. Think about it, if even *00 hackers were able to hack into email accounts in the world, they would keep hacking them until people decided to not have email accounts any more. The only way YOU could have lost your account was if you somehow gave away your password, either by having a trojan/keylogger installed or by believing the "send your password and the autobot will hack you someone's account" scams, so I think you deserved to lose your account from being so stupid, it was probably downloading some email hacking program (actually a trojan) that lost your account, you were trying to hack, so you got hacked - it's fair if you are a n00b. Posting a pathetic plea for help on a hacking forum will not get your account back either, there is no one who can hack email accounts, if they did they would not share it with everyone.

    "Also, I do not have any ***** to use on programs to get my password."

    However much ***** you spend, you will not ever find any programs that can hack email accounts, apart from small insecure ones that any brute forcer could crack. The only thing you could do now is email yahoo and tell them you lost your account, then they will look into it and examine logs etc, and discover if it got "hacked" by brute force, the only possible way that any account like this could be hacked directly.
    Last edited by SyntaXmasteR; 01-20-2006 at 01:56 PM.

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