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Thread: Scan for working web addresses

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Angry Scan for working web addresses

    I have a partial web address (eg [url]www.bigcompany.com/users/[/url]) I know that there are hundreds of pages starting with the above example with alphanumeric combinations following it. There are millions of possibilities but only about a hundred or so pages.
    -Is there a program that will scan the beginning of the address to search for info on all possibilites?
    -Is there something in my address bar I can type in that would indicate a wildcard and it would search for all sites?
    -Is there a search engine that will search for all sites beginning with my example...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Bmore
    I have a partial web address (eg [url]www.bigcompany.com/users/[/url]) I know that there are hundreds of pages starting with the above example with alphanumeric combinations following it. There are millions of possibilities but only about a hundred or so pages.
    -Is there a program that will scan the beginning of the address to search for info on all possibilites?
    -Is there something in my address bar I can type in that would indicate a wildcard and it would search for all sites?
    -Is there a search engine that will search for all sites beginning with my example...
    Google allows the use of [URL="http://www.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=**78"]wildcard[/URL] characters (*), so if the sites are indexed by google, you can use a search query like this:

    "inurl:[url]www.website.com/[/url] *" site:[url]www.website.com/[/url] *


    "inurl:[url]www.freewebs.com/[/url] *" site:[url]www.freewebs.com/[/url] *

    I think that will work, but I didn't try it. All you have to do is replace 'website.com' with the address of the hosting service, then it will find all the websites hosted by them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    First download wget

    Then run this batch script. It will tell you which sites are active.

    echo off
    set site=0
    set limit=20
    set counter=0
    if %site% EQU %limit% GOTO :EXIT
    wget -q www.bigcompany.com/users/%site%
    if %errorlevel% EQU 0 echo %site% >> %userprofile%\desktop\SitesFound.txt&& set /a counter=%counter%+*
    set /a site=%site%+*
    goto :CHECK
    echo Number of sites found was %counter%
    echo FINISHED
    echo --------
    Set the Site to your starting point
    Set the limit to your ending point
    Last edited by SyntaXmasteR; 08-03-2006 at 06:25 PM.
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/services.php]Speed Up Windows XP[/url]
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    [URL=http://www.syntax******.info]Comming Soon[/URL]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Thanks!! I will try that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I downloaded wget.
    I changed the website, [url]www.bigcompany.com[/url] to the web address in which I was interested in the batch script. Then I copied and pasted into the wget command window. Nothing happened.
    I must've missed something.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Yes, place wget in your system*2 folder. Now you can run the batch script.

    ...just realised what you did - you DO NOT copy and paste the code into a command window. You save the code in notepad as a .BAT file after you have place WGET in your system *2 folder. Double click the file to run
    Last edited by SyntaXmasteR; 08-15-2006 at 03:06 PM.
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/services.php]Speed Up Windows XP[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/ip.php]Get An Ip Address[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/base_converter.php]Base Converter[/url]
    [URL=http://www.boninroad.com/syntax******/]Old Site[/URL]
    [URL=http://www.syntax******.info]Comming Soon[/URL]

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Thanks again for the update..I will try it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Thanks, I did get it to start searching pages starting with the beginning of a website address. However it started at /*, /2, /* etc..increasing * every time...However it does not seem to be able to search apla and numeric...EG
    [url]www.company.com/user/ar5t[/url] or /ij*r or /4rt5
    Thanks though...I will have to take a different route

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