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Thread: MySpace Password Cracker

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    we would like to help but hacking myspace is not something where you just download a program and type in the username and get the password.
    7h* L**7*57 c4n7 h4ck m*!
    Proud to have quit playing ®µÑȧ©ÅÞË

    If you write like a semi-literate boob you will very likely be ignored.
    Writing like a l**t script kiddie hax0r is the absolute l**t*st way to write!

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    and dont talk about mike like that. if anything hes going to be the one to solve your problem if he sees it significant; which in this case he doesnt.
    7h* L**7*57 c4n7 h4ck m*!
    Proud to have quit playing ®µÑȧ©ÅÞË

    If you write like a semi-literate boob you will very likely be ignored.
    Writing like a l**t script kiddie hax0r is the absolute l**t*st way to write!

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by computercutie
    I wasn't trying to use it as an excuse for anything. I don't spend much time online except for some web browsing, email and chatting. I KNOW NOTHING about hacking and really have no desire to take the time to learn it. I asked a simple question or at least what I thought was mistake! You're probably some young "candy-assed know-it-all" that sits at a computer for hours looking at porn because you can't get a real live date. I've been a nurse for almost ** years *a damn good one* has nothing to do with my level of intelligence...however, I am sure mine is much greater than yours as a whole. Let's hope that you aren't as RUDE to your patients/clients as you were to me when they ask a question about something they are not well-informed about.
    Lol, that was funny. But, Ill say, I hope you well in you're hacking endeavors, excluded that since I don't care for you're type of insults- I don't go that low.


  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    heres an easy way to get alot of mails to him that he may be able to block but should find incredibly infuriating at least for a while:

    go to a public terminal with internet access, say a library or something. Go to ********** and create a new email, and when it asks for a secondary email address, enter his.


    now go to yahoo alerts, I believe its alerts.********** though yahoo has recently changed its structure around, so maybe do a quick search for it.

    found it? nice.

    Now go to auction keyword alerts.
    start setting alerts to keywords that will come up alot, for example:

    keyword: ship
    keyword: buy
    keyword: new
    keyword: used
    keyword: my
    keyword: this

    you get the idea. The more the merrier.
    Make sure you set them to 'immediate delivery. You'll notice Yahoo warns that this may cause a problematic amount of emails, which is kind of the whole point.
    At this point yahoo will start sending alerts to the secondary email address on the account (his) and thats a start. Ive done 25 keywords and had an account receive 80+ mails a minutes.

    Another idea is to just type out his email account on any site/forum you can. Simply posting [email][/email] will result in spam spiders picking up the address and doing the spam work for you.

    As far as the phone is concerned...If you know his cell phone number you can get REALLY nasty. I cite the following as a good example:



    *ahem. excuse me.

    Back to the myspace thing...
    pardon the 'stupid fuck' comment, I say that because.. well lets face it, myspace is full of stupid fucks. It was a generalization that may not apply to whom we're talking about, but anyway... moving on...

    If his account is on private, I wouldnt worry too much about him trash talking you being that the general public cant see it anyway, so its the equivalent of him emailing buddies to talk smack about who/whatever. If its publicly viewable, thats a whole other story.

    I dont know if Ive helped, gone too far or havent gone far enough.
    That being said Im done typing for now.
    Last edited by Halla; 11-03-2006 at 03:47 PM.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by computercutie
    I wasn't trying to use it as an excuse for anything. I don't spend much time online except for some web browsing, email and chatting. I KNOW NOTHING about hacking and really have no desire to take the time to learn it. I asked a simple question or at least what I thought was mistake! You're probably some young "candy-assed know-it-all" that sits at a computer for hours looking at porn because you can't get a real live date. I've been a nurse for almost ** years *a damn good one* has nothing to do with my level of intelligence...however, I am sure mine is much greater than yours as a whole. Let's hope that you aren't as RUDE to your patients/clients as you were to me when they ask a question about something they are not well-informed about.

    O RLY?

    OMFG...see you dont hack with a click ok you hack with alot more crap
    it dosent take a program it takes time to learn coding and crap like that just so you can hack a simple site....and if a person hacks NOT for learning or a cause he is not a real hacker...

    and btw i have a hell of alot posts ms.Nurse and i also have a life.Problem?
    You're probably some young "candy-assed know-it-all" that sits at a computer for hours looking at porn because you can't get a real live date.
    yeah i do own alot of porn... think that G**Ks are losers if someone at school calls me a geek....ill rip-off his eyeball and skull f**k him...

    about the date issue....i had alot of gf....over *5 or something

    Computers are cool now...most of the people who seen what can be done want to be "geeks"

    gee just cuz you suck at computers that dosent mean that we are all losers

    when you understand what the internet is about call me.

    and dont talk about Mike like that.....evryone was helping you understand how dumm your question was and how cocky you were.

    but noooo....i am a Nurse....i dont really give sh*t this is about computer stuff not about who is a nurse or not...
    Last edited by Truck1n_w1z; 11-03-2006 at 04:08 PM.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Wow...apparently, there is ALOT Of hostility on these fora. It's apparently not just directed towards women. It's directed to anyone that you deem STUPID because they asked a redundant question. Excuse me if I didn't do a search and/or read all of them before I asked my question. I must say that I had been on other Internet forums and have never seen quite a group like you have here. You "IT types" apparently stick up for one another. By mentioning that I was nurse was just an attempt to tell you that is my area of expertise NOT computers. I have no desire to learn to hack or write programs...I will say that again.

    I read some replies to someone else who asked the same question as I after I got those rude responses. Perhaps Mike is a moderator...I don't know. I figured he would have that title under his name. I'm sorry if my comments were rude, but I do believe the rudeness was initiated by him and I just returned it. You would think that someone would be a bit nicer and a bit more patient than some of you have been. Actually, I guess I was treated "well" in comparison to the person on the next thread who asked the exact same question! He got reamed!

    Hmmmmm Truck*n.....number of girlfriends is indicative of nothing. It's how you treated them, etc. By the way, one has to wonder WHY someone has had at least *5 of them? That's something to ponder on. I also never said I didn't "give a f*ck" about computers. They are an integral part of the world today. I use them at home AND at work. We are even using them now to scan patient medications for administration as well as doing our charting.

    Halla, I do appreciate the reply about the spam lists. I still think the cell phone idea is priceless....LOL Thanks to you and anyone else that actually tried to help me!

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    go to a public terminal with internet access, say a library or something. Go to ********** and create a new email, and when it asks for a secondary email address, enter his.

    One question though. I know that even using a public terminal, an IP address will be logged and I bet that is traceable. He says he has friends that are hackers as well and if they can trace that back to my city or state, I am going to get in trouble. He could probably use that to file some sort complaint of Internet harassment against me. I don't need that. Thanks for any advice!

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    the whole point of public terminal is so you dont get traced. most likely you wont
    7h* L**7*57 c4n7 h4ck m*!
    Proud to have quit playing ®µÑȧ©ÅÞË

    If you write like a semi-literate boob you will very likely be ignored.
    Writing like a l**t script kiddie hax0r is the absolute l**t*st way to write!

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I realize that *I* cannot be traced...but, can't the IP address be traced to the location/address of the computer I am using? The person I am trying to send the spam to knows me well and knows where I live. Thanks!

    Also, is there any way for me to protect my own personal computer from such a spam attack? I am sure he is going to realize that I did it and want to retaliate. How can I protect MYSELF?
    Last edited by computercutie; 11-03-2006 at 08:44 PM.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Ususally emails have an option to blcok any mails not from contacts, maybe try that.

    Well, what you could do to spam 'im is just post his email anywhere you can. There are hundereds of people who harvest emails, and his will definetly get picked mine *sniff*....

    computercutie, I'm guessing you've never had much experience with hacking forums. Knowledgeble people get really angry. People think this whole business involves a few keypresses, a program or two. It's very complicated, and even the best have to get better. Hackers don't like someone wasting their time posting stupid things, like a hacking request, or a request for a password. It's really annoying, and I try my best to help, but usually it ends up them asking question after question, wanting someone to spoon-feed them step by step information.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by computercutie
    can't the IP address be traced to the location/address of the computer I am using?
    Yep, but heres the glory of it all...
    The IPs in the email headers will be from yahoos servers since they are sending the messages, not you. good luck getting them to give any info without a warrant. In fact, good luck getting a warrant for something like that, period.
    "hello? ***? someones spamming my email!"
    Better luck getting the IP logs of that mail access at that time, and then even better luck trying to get the library ISP to give out the info, then hope the library has a record of who was sitting where, and when.
    Its a pretty serious pain in the ass, and I doubt it'll go that far. Plus if the library doesnt keep a record or you just walk in and sit down for a minute, its useless anyway.

    If you're seriously paranoid, use a laptop and a wireless card, spoof your mac address and use an insecure wireless connection and you're golden. Thats another story.

    but I digress....

    Quote Originally Posted by computercutie
    The person I am trying to send the spam to knows me well and knows where I live.
    Lucky for you, the person doesnt know you did this. Play dumb. It works.

    Quote Originally Posted by computercutie
    Also, is there any way for me to protect my own personal computer from such a spam attack? I am sure he is going to realize that I did it and want to retaliate. How can I protect MYSELF?
    I doubt they will realize its you, but anyway yes, its called a spam filter. There may be a built-in one depending on your service.

    Quote Originally Posted by computercutie
    He says he has friends that are hackers
    Oh noes! I wouldnt worry about it too much.
    Lets put it this way, if you were connected to the mafia, would you run around saying you're connected to the mob?
    nuff said.

    Quote Originally Posted by computercutie
    I still think the cell phone idea is priceless
    Yeah, thats the big guns right there...

    Oh ...You're welcome.
    Thanks for thanking... hug a hacker... or better yet, bail one out.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Honestly, why do you want to get this person so bad? If you dislike them so much, why not just ignore them? Seems like a childish attempt at pity revenge.

    But seeming as if I say something even remotely hostile I'll sure hear about it I suppose I may as well write something useful.

    If you attempt these "attacks" from a public computer he will not be able to trace it back to you, that's like someone trying to justify getting a virus because a site put a cookie on their computer, oh no!

    What is more likely to happen is that they'll realise that you're the only one out to get them so badly and put the blame on you that way, almost impossible to get around unless you play a "cold revenge" tactic in which you get them back in 6 months time.

    As far as abuse online, unless it was causing malicious harm to a real person or completely frying their computer, which it isn't if you're unsure, there's nothing the law will do to yo.

    And the reason people were getting stuck into you earlier in this forum is because asking a question like that is the equivilant of a grown adult walking up to you and asking "What do I do about getting my own hospital room with gold plating everywhere for nothing?"... seems understandably obvious how outrageous such a question is... now add some people who are sitting in front of a screen with too much sugar in their bloodstream, bad mix.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by computercutie
    I read some replies to someone else who asked the same question as I after I got those rude responses. Perhaps Mike is a moderator...I don't know. I figured he would have that title under his name. I'm sorry if my comments were rude, but I do believe the rudeness was initiated by him and I just returned it.
    Nah, i'm just a regular member. I've just been here longer than most, thus the higher post count.

    You would think that someone would be a bit nicer and a bit more patient than some of you have been. Actually, I guess I was treated "well" in comparison to the person on the next thread who asked the exact same question! He got reamed!
    It's not intentional rudeness, it's just that we don't expect to answer a question one day then the next day the same question to pop up again with the answer stated directly below it. If we kept answering the same questions, we'd be here all day.

    I realize that *I* cannot be traced...but, can't the IP address be traced to the location/address of the computer I am using? The person I am trying to send the spam to knows me well and knows where I live. Thanks!
    If the 'public terminal' is on a regular ISP line (a home connection), it will trace back to that ISP's central offices. If the place actually leases the line out directly, it will trace back to their location. But that's only if your IP address gets sent in the email - it does if you send it through most webmail services (such as hotmail, under X-Originating-IP), but not if you directly connect to the smtp server and choose your own headers.

    Also, is there any way for me to protect my own personal computer from such a spam attack? I am sure he is going to realize that I did it and want to retaliate. How can I protect MYSELF?
    There's ways to protect against predictable spam (such as nigerian 4** scams and 'buy this product' spam), but if someone just sends random data to you to cripple the account there is nothing you can do, apart from blocking all email.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Unhappy hi everyone could u help my big heart in pain...

    im so in pain right now, that i got this site from an anonymous person on myspace hu pity me on bec of these person whos a poser and bad mouthing anyone esp me on myspace. its so sad that i cant do anything abt him/her. i juz want her page to be erased on myspace cancel her/his account thats all.. no harmfull intentions... pls help me...:confused:

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Hacking myspace

    Look computercutie the easiest way i can tell you would be if you already know his or hers login email, try to crack that password, such as a yahoo email is easy to crack aol names are pretty easy to crack as well. Once you get the email password then just simply hit lost password on myspace type the email address in and then it will be sent to that address, all you have to do is go check the email and your done. Maybe that will help you

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